Cajun Clearwater

The Eagles are great, particularly Frey's contributions. You don't like it, get your own fucking cab.

Colorado Springs is my hometown. I've repurposed this Onion quote for the city's new slogan: "Nature at its most beautiful, human behavior at its ugliest."

I’ve been unusually worried about American politics lately.
With the top Republican Presidential candidates being more-or-less fascists,
and now Republican governors turning away refugees, where is this going to?
What’s going to be the resolution to this? Somebody calm me down. Tell me we
won’t be a smoldering crater by

A Rubio/Kasich ticket could be pretty competitive against Clinton, geographically speaking. Plus, if Rubio eventually gets the nomination, Kasich is about the only choice he has, unless he looks outside of this candidate field altogether.

This whole Jar Jar thing is the stupidest, awesomest conspiracy theory ever, and I love it. I never thought The Phantom Menace could be salvaged. I guess life is full of surprises.

What's the matter with all of you?! This makes my fucking day! NEW STAR TREK TV SERIES WOOOOOO