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American Experience on PBS has an episode about this. It, as always, was really good.

“Henry Fonda is another general, the son of Teddy Roosevelt, whose pride won’t let him sit out the invasion even though he’s suffering from arthritis.”

“I do think it was a generational, second-day meal that a lot of Chicago Italian immigrants brought with them, mostly from Sicily.”

I work with children with disabilities. For the past 3 months, I have been working with a 7-year-old who had a stroke. He is back to walking recently. Last week, I walked into his 2nd-grade classroom to get him. He was sitting with a group of kids on the floor doing some lesson. He saw me and immediately got up on his

Re: Walking,

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

There are so many laughs that have no dialogue, that are so characteristic to this show.

“You seduce me. I am just a stupid human man. Ouch my balls. I..I love to drink beer.”

As an old fan of "Ed", no, Tom Cavanaugh does not age

Look, if you have to go evil speedster, you really can’t go wrong with Thawne.

Especially in this show. Thawne has ALWAYS been well written.

It would be fantastic if the whole ‘Mysterio is from an alternate universething is just a ruse he concocted and Fury fell for it.

Enjoy not eating animals.
I will enjoy continuing to eat animals.
We can co-exist.

This is just the type of virtue signalling that makes people give vegetarians and vegans the big eye roll.

So you seem new to this whole Vegan thing so let me help you out. Live your life, live your truth, but don’t attempt to force your beliefs on others. Statements like the one you just posted are the reason people love to make fun of vegans. The reality is the vast majority of people HAVE already seen how the sausage is

Some of us actually like burgers, but I mean, how dare people write about food that people like to eat on a website about food without considering YOUR feelings on the matter. What monsters.

I have read this. I appreciate you writing in.