
But this show doesn't treat everyone the same. Women and people of color are disproportionally more disposable than the straight white people. I'm just exhausted by voicing my sadness and anger over the fact that Denise is the 8th wlw character to die in 2016 and then have that opinion trampled on by people who think

Cool, I'm glad you speak for all lgbt+ people, including myself. I'll stop being upset now. The Bury Your Gays trope is very real and sends a bad message.

That is such an ugly thing to say to a woman in a committed relationship with another woman :(

I know. I'm agreeing with you.

I am

Um, but you won? You won the argument? Like, I literally said you won.

Um, but you won? You won the argument? Like, I literally said you won.

Well, I'm just going to pack in my opinions and disappointment in seeing more gay people die for shock value and hit the ol' dusty trail because you win the argument Piecar! Congratulations! You're right, incredibly popular media sending the message that women, gay people, and people of color are disposable has no

And for the record, the show LITERALLY took a shot at her sexuality. She was talking about how much she loved Tara when she got shot in the head, which sends a much different message than that happening to a straight person. A lesbian coming to terms with herself while she's showing how brave and open she's trying to

Oh my god, you are missing the point so hard that you've landed in the xz axis. On this show (and many more), women and people of color are disproportionately more disposable and their deaths are used to further the plots and angst of straight white characters. Why did it HAVE to be Denise? Why not Eugene or Abraham?

Listen, I'm too heated to get into a level headed debate and unless you're not straight, it's pretty fucked up to tell me what card I'm not allowed to play because these issues don't affect you at all. I just hate being given characters that I FINALLY relate to only to have them die. This happens A LOT. This isn't an

No, I hate straight people because they have no sympathy

Getting beaten, raped, and murdered for being homosexual and having our civil rights denied isn't healthy either, but I guess I'll suck it up.

And this is why I hate straight people.

Maybe there are more heterosexuals dying because they're the only ones who are represented and when women loving women finally do get representation, we see ourselves get killed off over and over again. Be more obtuse. I'm just so exhausted by this.

Stop killing lesbians for no reason!!!!!!!!!! They literally gave her Abraham's death from the comics and for what reason?? Why are the lesbians always getting murdered in tv???????

Or idk maybe it was the shitty writing in season 3 that got the show canceled.

Please! That way we can up the Juice Count

I get nervous every time he's on screen now because I want him to say Juice so badly and when he doesn't, I get really disappointed.

I don't have individual tallies on hand at the moment, but if I had to venture a guess, it would probably be episode 2? With the Bronco chase…all that talking on the phone and trying to get The Juice to not kill himself in Kimmy's room. But don't quote me on that.