
It's really sad how piss poor the editing and pacing is this season because the cast is great. We have a lot of talented girls and they're not being showcased the way they ought to be. Where are the mini-challenges? Where's the over the top drama? Why the abbreviated runways? It's one thing if a lot of the girls are

I've been battling bulimia for 11 years now and that dumb joke made me feel like garbage. I make jokes about my ED all the time and I don't mind hearing them from other people as long as the joke is FUNNY and not at the expense of the person who is suffering. The worst part is that Sasha said she didn't appreciate the

Yeah, she 100% has that Instamug lewk, which is why I wasn't that impressed with her going into the competition. I started following her when I heard she was a rumored queen and she literally does the same pose in every picture. A lot of Insta kweens have hopped onto the bejeweled septum piercing train and I

I wasn't feeling Ru's lqqk tonight. She usually leaves me gagging every runway but this was just meh for me which is a shame for the first runway of the season. Ru looks best when she has her collarbones and neck showing and no tea no shade, but she was wearing one of Katya's 3 wigs lmao (I love Katya with all my

The current climate of identity politics always seems to ignore that class privilege is the ultimate privilege

As a bisexual, I just gotta say that Darryl and WhiJo bring me so much joy. I cried twice because it feels really great to have such positive bi rep. Their relationship has become surprisingly important to me.

It's hard for me to see how many people worship him because they have no idea what kind of person he really is. Saying anything further in an av club article comment section isn't really a smart thing to do, but I can say with full confidence that the way he treated me was completely inappropriate and it's upsetting

He was really, really mean to me and I can't ever look at him the same ever again. It's a long and very personal story, but seriously, he is a godawful and selfish person who doesn't give a shit about his fans. I don't like cooking anymore because of what happened :-(

To me it's starting to look like she's getting the Jinkx Monsoon edit. And girl please go look at World of Wonder's twitter tally…Team Katya has 21k likes and 17k retweets, whereas Alaska is at 1k likes and RTs. I don't know how much bearing that will have on the finale, but Ru has to take that into account. I can't

For the rest of my life, whenever I'm subjected to something I don't want to do or see, I will think and/or say "somewhere a woman my age is getting her pussy eaten and I'm stuck [doing whatever]." In an episode with stellar line deliveries from the entire cast, I think that one might be my favorite. Also, Doyle was a

I can't tell you how many times I've rewatched Titus saying "Boom bitch! BYYYE. I am not the one. See you in the funny papers, country mouse. You better call Jennifer Love Hewitt and Phil Rizzuto, because you owe a ghost MONEY hah! Unh, unh, unh. Unh!"

"I'm sorry if I'm straight-splaining, but let me straight-splain…"

lol I hate straight people.

That's because the overwhelming majority of the show is straight. I don't get why this is so difficult for straight people to grasp. I get such little representation and when I finally do, I see characters I identify with be killed to make way for more straight people's plots to advance. Then I get told to deal with

Same. I'm exhausted.

I just don't see why Abraham or Eugene could have died instead. Whatever, I'm tired and won't be watching the show anymore, so I'm happy for that you'll still be able to enjoy it (and I'm not saying that sarcastically, I just want this to be done).

Boy I sure do love when straight men tell me what I should and shouldn't do.

As a wlw, I would rather see women like me happy and safe (as they can be in the zombie apocalypse at least) with their partners once in a while instead of finally be given character development and their Big Moment just to have it culminate with their murders. Good representation matters. I've been sent the message

I wasn't talking about you specifically silencing me, I'm just frustrated by the straight people who keep disregarding the Bury Your Gays trope and that TWD used it. I don't know why I even bother having these conversations to be honest. While what TWD is doing may be enough for you, it isn't for me. The show is a lot

When I say that I hate straight people, I'm saying that I hate an oppressive heteronormative society that treats gay characters as disposable. You shouldn't take it personally, especially because the world is catered to you. Tone policing is just another way that privileged groups are able to shut down the feelings of