
I assumed the black and white sequences were going to lead up to Rick's position as manager at a Cinnabon in Omaha

Okay, but the real question is "Is he running against Deez Nuts?"

I'm completely baffled by the good grades this show is getting. Season 3 has been a fucking mess and this episode was a joke. I couldn't WAIT for it to be over so we could move the fuck on to Red Dragon, which at this point, I am less than cautiously optimistic about since I don't trust Bryan Fuller as far as I can

I went from a diehard Hannibal fan to a hate watcher within the course of one season because this fucking thumb prefers to pander to Hannigram shippers than write a cohesive show that doesn't alienate those of us who don't particularly want the leading men to fuck each other. Please, for the love of all that is holy,

That's why it's funny. Because it's completely ridiculous.

i mean, its a fucking ridiculous thing for anyone to say and i was laughing so hard i had to pause the episode and text with my friend about it for 10 minutes straight. its fucking crazy.

An actual, real actor was paid to say words penned by a professional writer on a major cable network in a completely serious tone that were in no way being played for laughs that went, "I will butt fuck your father with your mother's headless corpse on this goddamn lawn."

It's literally impossible to avoid Hannigram dude. Bryan Fuller just had Hannibal profess his for Will to Bedelia and does nothing but pander to Hannigram shippers non fucking stop. It's hard to enjoy the show when it revolves around a queer-baiting relationship that gets WAY more air time than it needs, which is a

Don't bother reading Hannibal Rising because it's gar-bahge (this is coming from a nerdy ass Lecterphile) but read Red Dragon, TSOTL, and then Hannibal. TSOTL is also my favorite horror movie ever (I have a deaths head moth tattoo) but I personally enjoy reading Red Dragon the most because Francis Dolarhyde is just

Okay, but the "female presence" on the show has been characters used to fuel man pain and further the Hannibal Loves Will plot, which is really annoying to me. I'm not attacking Fuller by rightly pointing out that he royally fucked up last season in terms of women (which he ADMITTED) and the whole 'look at all the

That would be Dino DeLaurentis

No, I'm mad at all the time wasted on Hannigram and the continual character assassination of Will's character. Less of that, more of women having story lines that don't revolve around men.

1. Not a guy, so way to assume but whatever.
2. I am SO sick of Hannigram and it's really alienating to viewers like me who enjoy the plot advancing outside of beating the dead horse that is Hannibal and Will pining for each other.
3. I loved the first episode and its fairytale/cerebral aura, but episode 2 was pushing

Personally, I feel that this is the worst episode of Hannibal to date.

No tea no shade, but a majority of the queens' last runway looks were weak as hell imo. Some of those dresses looked like they came off the sale racks at Caché. This whole season was a misfire.

Well, now I know what I'm doing for the rest of the afternoon.

I've been watching stuff with Charlie Cox in it because I've been thirsting for him ever since I finished Daredevil. I'm glad I'd already watched s1 of Boardwalk Empire because I could jump right back in when that beautiful man shows up and ruins me. Guys…he's so fucking fine. Please help me in this trying time.

I'm cringing so hard right now haha

I would kill a man to bang Matthew Goode

"It's hentai, and it's art."