
Okay, I don't want to be the angry bisexual in the room, but what the fuck is "identity that reinforced gender binaries" supposed to mean?? Because it kind of sounds like once again, the word bisexual is being demonized as being trans and non-binary exclusionary. I get that the whole "bi means two" thing can be

Perfect timing considering I've descended into OdenThirst Hell
*unzips pants*

I'm so worried about where all of this is headed and I'm preemptively challenging Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould to a bare knuckles fist fight over whatever fresh hell they're going to put Jimmy McGill through by the end of the season.

I knew Noah was a goner the moment he asked poindexter to teach him to build stuff, which was doubly fortified by the fact he's black and TWD loves killing off people of color.

I get so excited at any reference to the cornfield from The Twilight Zone's "It's A Good Life."

lol @ Diane getting fingered in her car

that is the correct response

Kinda wish the Kettleman's were horribly murdered after hearing them sing Bingo Was His Name-O. Not the kids though…clearly they've been through hard times considering their parents are grade-A assholes. Side note: my crush on Bob Odenkirk is back in full swing and the OdenThirst is too real. I'm the thirstiest bitch

I developed really intense and troubling feelings about Saul Goodman after finally watching Better Call Saul and I might be having an existential crisis because I have no idea why I am the way that I am. My Bob Odenkirk feelings have also resurfaced, but they've been there since Mr. Show. But Saul Goodman? Why???? I'm

I cackled when Frank said the beer had too many bubbles. That and dick nips. I'm glad Dee almost always gets the best insults on the show. I say "later boners" all the time.

Before reading this, I texted my best friend/only other Comeback fan I know and said there should be a show staring Lisa Kudrow and Julianna Marguiles or at least have Lisa spot on TGW. I AM SO GLAD I AM NOT ALONE ON THIS AND PLEASE TV GODS, MAKE IT SO.

I'm so happy Logan won! He's such a little cutie pie! Holy shit, he looks JUST like his dad too - they both have that goofy smile.

I'm just seeing this new information now, so I feel a little more validated in my first reaction to this when it surfaced. I spend too much time on tumblr for my own good and know by now that if you say anything that doesn't fit within the very black and white attitudes of certain types of feminists on the site,

I cried when I opened it, not gonna lie. I just….I just love him so much.

Patton Oswalt and David Sedaris signed a book each, both of which I have somewhere in my bookcase, but the most cherished autograph I have is a signed picture of Raúl Esparza (as Dr. Chilton) that my sister got me for my birthday. My love for him knows no bounds and I keep the photo framed and hanging on the wall

Line of the night: "You're too old to be a twink."

I had just gotten dumped when I went to see The Lake House and even though it was mediocre at best, I still sobbed in the theater because it cut too deep at the time.

I just started grad school too and I've been using writing fic as reward for finishing assignments because I can't really justify not finishing a research assignment to write about two fictional characters from a tv show being in love or whatever lol. Yeah, everything is pretty much on tumblr these days, which is

That's exactly what it is and it's the most wonderful thing on the planet. There is definitely some sass, but there's also a lot of angsty scar stuff and don't get me started, really. I've written a 70k word fan fiction and I haven't even finished it (and also I'm a 27 year old women who stopped writing fan fiction

I think we're neglecting to talk about the most important thing that happened: rimming.