
Correct response.

I can't look at Chilly Willy the same since it became the name of a ship that has a small, but devoted fan base that I may or may not be a part of and that I may or may not write fan fiction about. I will neither confirm nor deny either of these assertions.

Perhaps it was the post I made that you stumbled upon lol. I'm eternally grateful the person who pointed me in the right direction. And yeah, the score is crazy awesome and totally fooled me into thinking I was listening to Chopin.

It's the one playing right before Cary talks to Kalinda. I feel like it's Chopin and I've tried musipedia and midomi and I got zero results. I AM ABOUT TO LOSE MY FUCKING MIND.

It's the song playing when Cary is getting numbers written on him right before he talks to Kalinda.

I still refuse to believe Will Gardner is dead. Who's dead? Huh? Will Garder? No, he's fine. He's just playing a sweet game of basketball with some crooked judges. He'll be back soon.

Always holding on to my Barba/Amaro dreams.

Up until Frank was revealed to be Bill's brother, I was 110% sure that they were two friends who fooled around in their school days which is why Bill was so uncomfortable around him. But I'm always looking for gay subtext in literally everything, so.

I'm glad The Kingdom is on this list because that was the very first thing I thought of when I saw "12 gross things birthed…" God, that whole storyline is the personification of "gross."

Have you ever been looking for the ketchup in the fridge and it turns out it was literally right in front of your face the whole time?

Two straight white people falling in love against all odds? How refreshing! Sign me up!

For a second I thought it may have all been a fever a dream when there were headlines of Mike crushing it as white house press secretary because he's usually so fucking terrible at his job. The pictures of him were amazing - the one where he was pointing at his mustache killed me. I was glad to see he returned to his

yeah but it snowed like 3 weeks ago, so?

No, I caught it and I understand exactly what happened, so give me some credit here. What I'm saying is they could have lit her "body" on fire in I don't know, a ditch or something and not waste one of my favorite deaths in the books on a fake out, man. I can't imagine Will and Jack sitting around going, "heeeey, you

I would like equal character development and more screen time for the women on this show so they're not just fodder for Will and Hannibal's totally-not-sexual-even-though-Bryan-Fuller-talks-about-how-sexual-it-is-but-no-homo relationship or used to fuel more of Will Graham's man-pain.

That's essentially the definition of trolling.

Roger only eats the finest of delacacies when he watches Barbara Does Celine.

Alana finally obtaining agency balanced out some of the overriding problems I've had with this show in terms of how they treat their female characters. I get WHY they do things, I just don't like the execution. Margot needs to be infertile for the sake of continuity within the canon, but fuck. That shit was brutal and

I'll level with y'all: I knew about that songbird dish because of an episode of American Dad.

I stopped trusting anything Fuller says like 6 episodes ago. Biggest troll ever.