
1. Whose body was in that wheel chair.
2. Whose bright idea was it to light it on fire and push it down a hill?
(I mean, I get why Dolarhyde did it, but ???)

I mean, that was pretty much my EXACT head canon and it still hurts. Raul is everything, though. I am so obsessed with that man, in pains me.

I'm just so attached to him. Omg when Freddie was talking about how Chilton was a terrible surgeon and everyone at med school made fun of him and he ran away like a sad puppy to become a psychiatrist….I was dying. My poor baby Chilton.

Apparently it isn't to SOME reviewers on this site. (jk love you av club, but seriously)

I will be casually butting in to say CHILTON LIVES in any review that says otherwise because he's totes alive. Go ask Bryan Fuller. Confirmed alive status.

all of my crazy hannibal based tumblr-ness has now been funneled into raul esparza/chilton insanity. its actually getting out of control tbh.

Okay but have you seen the promo photos/David A. Slade pics of him?? His hair, the pimp coat, everything. I'm going to have so many conflicting feelings.

Mads has said he plays Hannibal like Lucifer; a fallen angel that has his own sense of morality.

Oh no doubt the reuse of imagery was beautiful. I was gif-ing that shit like 5 minutes after I finished the episode. I die every time there's a TSOTL reference too.

I think Hannibal is a scarier character when he doesnt have motive or a back story. The whole thing with Mischa was to show his human side, but the truly frightening thing about Hannibal Lecter is that he's not human at all. He's a monster; something no one even knows how to categorize. Giving him a schmaltzy revenge

Hannibal Rising is literal garbage.

(umm this show prompts to use all caps out of uncontrollable excitement)


There are a ton of people justifying it by saying Cersei is a bad person who's done bad things, so she kind of deserved it, too. The normalization and justification of rape does nothing but add to an already toxic society.

Dude, when you have people in the comment thread of the review saying "I thought it was a kinky so-bad-its-good kind of thing", I can't take any defense of it seriously.

Raping women isn't "pushing boundaries". It is in so many shows, movies, and books that it's become common fucking place. Fuck pushing those boundaries. They've pushed off a cliff into a never ending abyss of bullshit.

Rape culture in two sentences ladies and gentlemen.

Soooo, anyway…SEX.