
Carmen's tuck game was flawless way before she transitioned. Joslyn could learn a trick or two from her.

God, Joslyn's tuck game was terrible. If you're going to jack Carmen Carrera's looks, learn to tuck bitch.

Round of applause for Jack Gleeson everybody.

*Drops RSVP to wedding in the mail*
*Drops sympathy card with it just in case*


Are you familiar at all with the show? Because it's a prequel to any of the movies you may have seen. Hannibal is still a practicing psychiatrist/cannibal out in the world having the time of his life when the show begins.

Cool! Another white dude!

Nah, Laganja is way worse for me. Gia was just an idiot. Laganja is an entitled little cry baby. I never want to hear the word "mama" again.

I can't remember the last time I was this happy to see a queen sashay the fuck away.

Go to Funny Or Die and search Gay Of Thrones because it will change your life.

Headcanon accepted.

*Sigh*. We came so close to some gay lovin'. What's a lady gotta do to get some serious man on man action in this show? Also, please tell me someone else here watches Gay Of Thrones? I look forward to it every week just as much as I do the actual show.

Thanks! I love being an imbecile! Ooooh, it's SO fun. Name calling is a great way to make a good argument ;-)

"I would. Wouldn't you?"

And I don't want to be presumptuous, but this is all starting to sound like rationalizations for you to fuck a teenager. With that I bid you good evening.

Dude, a 17 year old isnt a fucking woman. She's a teenager. Have you ever been a teenage girl, Steve? No?

Every single thing you just said points out symptoms of patriarchal society. we don't care about male victims because they're told to man up. boys get let off the hook for their bad behavior because boys will be boys, which then puts responsibility for their actions on girls.

listen im open to a lot of different kinds of consensual sex. im bisexual and get discriminated against on regular basis, so don't step to me about dealing with people who find the idea of my sexual preferences disgusting because i've been there too. but you seriously can't deny that 17 year-old girls, legal or not,

um no. it actually doesnt. if you're 35 year-old man who fucks 18 year-olds, im running in the opposite direction so i can harshly judge you from a distance.

im sorry but a teenage girl and 35 year-old man are at completely different maturity levels and that makes a difference imo. it's incredibly easy to manipulate young girls because they want acceptance and think the only way to do that is to gain the approval of men. the best way to gain that approval? sex. girls are