
Let's see some dongs. All the boobs were pretty sweet but this is a show about sex and I demand to see wieners.

RIP Mr Krabs

i think that's a totally valid opinion, but for me i feel like it was a really brave, bold choice to confront the viewer with a very real problem. although the percentage of innocent people wrongly executed is very small, i still do not advocate the death penalty and watching this episode just solidified that notion

i was crying from the moment he started walking down the hall until like 5 minutes after the episode ended. i thought the red wedding killed me a couple months ago, but this. this was just. fuck. i dont even know, man.

i openly sobbed  on the couch in front of my roommate and kept going "what the fuuuuck?!?" i can't even talk about it.

i guess i assumed it was ted levine helping her out because he knows she's on the spectrum and that eye contact is a big problem for a lot of people like her. it kind of sealed that sentiment for me when she left the house apologizing for not being empathetic enough…my sister has been a source of insight for me

i was the biggest, manipulative little liar as a child. i knew what my parents wanted to hear and i played them like fiddles.

i thought she was told to use eye contact to seem more empathetic? my sister has aspergers and wont look anyone in the eyes, especially waiters and uhhhh well, i guess everyone.

the autism spectrum is SO hot right now

Transient black woman detective said more in this episode than she has in every other episode put together.

he said "12 days before i hang", so that seems a little more urgent.

i kind of assumed his father thinks ray killed his wife and that he was playing the prison game right by not being a snitch/trying to do any wheeling and dealing to gain any favor in the system. you know, be tough. since the whole conversation was about "being a man", according to dad, a real man takes his sentence

for half a second, i thought that finger in the alley was a dick.

turns out jon snow does know something and its called "cutting a bitch loose"

walder frey throws shitty parties. pass it on.

I always get choked up at weddings.

@cub this is my brain on hannibal. and here I am, a person who generally prides themselves on good spelling.

When he's de-furred and revealed with that bod and luscious 80's locks, I die.

Definitely on board with Bowie in "Labyrinth" and my first real, real pop culture crush Jeff Goldblum in a little film you may know as "Independence Day."

I was thinking that too considering Kuru, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy that originated in Papa New Guinea, was most likely developed because of remote tribes engaging in cannibalism. It's kind of like mad cow, but with people. However, there's also evidence to suggest that it wasn't just the cannibalism,