
I loved when Hannibal turned around in Sutcliffe's office and Georgia was there. He had this look on his face (when we could see it) of "Sup?" and then was like, "well, I'm double parked, so how about you hold onto these scissors for me and I'll let you handle the rest of this. Deuces."

joe bastianich is such a bastard

twitter is a place where teenagers didn't know that the Titanic was an actual ship that sank until it's 3D re-release came out, soooooo…yeah, not surprised.

I was thinking they put in bleeps and commercial breaks in the hopes that it might be syndicated to ifc or any of the channels that play the first 3 seasons…is that even possible? i would have loved to hear some actual swear words though - "i have the worst fucking lawyer" is one of my favorite things ever.

2 things that made me hopeful that the writers will get their heads out of their fucking asses and tone it down with the misogyny/homophobia: 2 DUDES falling in LOVE and Metatron calling God a bit sexist, which could be perceived as a nod to the fact that the show is a bit (if not blatantly at times) sexist. Oh, but

at this point, i don't think she suspects that hannibal is a murderer, but considering she can tell he's wearing a person suit (shout out to my main man buffalo bill), i'm betting she knows he's some brand of sociopath. what's really interesting though is his newfound attachment to will, which is clearly unchartered

whether or not the kiss was shoehorned in, at least someone was mackin with hugh dancy and i'm always totally cool with that.

i'm sure the hannigram shippers were LIVING for the bromance in this ep

I tend to end all of his sentences with a slow, exasperated "…Mr. Potter."

Daisy was serving up Chad Michaels realness as The Diva and Derek constantly looks like he just woke up from a nap that wasn't as satisfying as he wanted it to be.

Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought it wasn't a hallucination and I definitely know I was sober at the time. JLM is crushing it - the last scene was amazing.

Where my people at?

From the beginning of the season, I had this feeling that no matter how amazing Alaska was, she was never going to win because she's Sharon's boyfriend. I actually thought they'd cut her a little earlier so it didn't seem like they were giving leeway to her just because she's with Sharon. I love Jinkx, I really do,

I mean, Jeff just learned how to read. Do you really expect him to know what the milky way is?

I have this theory that Scarlett is actually mentally retarded, but everyone is distracted by her being pretty that they don't notice.

I'm so down with Raul Esparza's take on Chilton. His douchey beard is a nice touch. The beard itself isn't douchey per se, he just looks like a tool with it. AND GILLIAN ANDERSON NEXT WEEK!

to play devil's advocate here, my roommate and i were into his whole sweaty open shirt thing UP UNTIL the eye gouging. then we were like, NOPE. i think it was just the fact that he was so animalistic and unbuttoned (literally) is what has us high fiving when we came to the same conclusion at the same time. but then we

Rayna and Deacon have the chemistry of a ham sandwich and a crowbar. She and Liam (or as my roomie and I call him, Gotye) had sooooo much more chemistry on stage when they were singing about how "love is gonna come" (HAHA GET IT durr) and he was grabbing her waist and stuff. I was super stoked about them bone zoning

Damn you Vulture for beating me to it! I loooove Phillip's Bronson Pinchot avec mustache look in ep 2. Eleganza, darling.

the mighty power of a lace front wig