
I'm going to re-watch the season and compile a ranking of Phillip and Elizabeth's wigs. For Phillip, the Clarke get up is tops for me (even though it isn't the flashiest/most ridiculous) because I fucking love Clarke as a character. Like, hey Clarke, way to be an awesome fake husband by werking it out for your main

Now imagine losing your virginity to Rod Stewart.

I started AHS: Asylum. It's a definite step up from the first season and I am living for slutty demon nun fierceness. Plus, I loves me some creepy insane asylum shit. I also watched Rosemary's Baby for the first time because I know it's a classic and I needed to see it. It was hard to watch how submissive Rosemary

dude…stick with spn. seasons 3-5 are SO choice. 1 and 2 are good, but you can't beat the shit that goes on the next three seasons.

my roommate and i have theorized that scarlett might be mentally retarded, but no one notices because she's a purdy blonde girl (a la rita on arrested development)

-Carson when that girl told him she was adopted from China.

When my dad watched a couple Supernatural eps with me, he said it reminded him of "Route 66 but with ghosts and stuff." I hadn't even heard of it and I thought of myself as a tv nerd, but I blame that on it only playing briefly on Nick at Nite in the 80's. Nick at Nite and TV Land were my jaaaaam in the

Clarke's wig is one of my favorite characters, followed closely by Clarke's glasses.

I'd like to see a reality show about Krieger and what the fuck he does in the lab all day.

I am LIVING for Phillip's wigs.

Michelle is so all over the place with her critiques and often looks like a total hypocrite. At least Santino is consistent is pointing out the shit he hates. To hear Santino say that Jinkx reminds him of Pandora and then NOT shit on her outfit at least gives me hope that Michelle is the only who's caught up in

There was a hot minute when I was down with Alyssa (and it was probably because Coco was looking like the bigger asshole due to some creative editing tricks), but damn, she is the WORST. I could barely get through Untucked because my head almost exploded from how many times I had to hear "Girrrl" and "Miss Thing". I

he had to say "too soon", because the audience BOOED a john wilkes booth joke. it'd be one thing if it got a big laugh and then cheesed it up with a "too soon", but people were actually offended at the least offensive joke of the night.

Alyssa is growing on me. She brings it to the runway with glam and fish and she's so over Coco's bullshit, that I can't help but have a soft spot for her.

we're comparing all of this to the rest of the season though. 3 above average sketches and a tolerable weekend update is a goddamn triumph for this show.

Yeah, hobby lobby is a chain. There's a few in the suburbs of Chicago that I know of. Low rent Michaels is more like it.

There is nothing fishy about Coco. Her make-up was godawful and she looked creepy as hell in that Shirley Temple rig out. I was really hoping for Monica to turn it out again and send Coco sashaying away. You don't need to be all fish to be a great queen, but the last thing I want to see is a man in bad makeup and a

Drag queens trying to vie for attention?! Well, I never!

I could easily listen to dueling Pacino's for hours.

I love when Jason loses it and can't even process what's happening…Sleepaway Camp is a great episode because of that. It sounded like Jason's head was about to LITERALLY explode (shout out to the word "literally"). I also love when June starts a sentence off with, "Wait, are we lead to believe that…"