
It was the best in the first season, agreed. I think once it got really popular the show started taking itself too seriously.

I've always felt this way about Fitz, he wants everything his way and when it doesn't happen, he throws a hissy fit. He was fine with having an affair, but when Mellie started sleeping with Andrew, he stopped it. I hate that level of selfishness.

That was amazing!! Why in the world did she think the two events were related?

Do you know how Nielsen actually works? Evey tv in the Nielsen family's house is connected to a Nielsen box. Whenever someone watches television each person has to press their assigned button so that the company knows who is watching. If you don't do this, it interferes with your tv. Nielsen takes a cross-sample of

I think people also forget that Netflix and Amazon are businesses too and while it would be nice to save every show, it doesn't always make financial sense. Not to mention that Netflix and Amazon now produce their own content, with great success, so it doesn't make always financial sense to stream new seasons of a

It's because those shows make crazy money in syndication. Money, not quality, matters.

The technical revolution only saves the shows that wil make money in some form.

NBC owns Aquarius, it doesn't own Hannibal. Therefore, it can make more money on Aquarius.

Nielsen represents the TV viewing audience as a whole; it's the same method used for political polling. I think Nielsen gets a bad rep when it just highlights overall audience trends.

The Mindy Project is cheap to make and is close to syndication. Not to mention that the show is owned by NBC, which also has a stake in Hulu.

NBC owns Aquarius, which means it can make more money from the show. It doesn't own Hannibal.

Nielsen uses statistics to account for the whole television viewing audience. It isn't perfect, but the advertisers trust it, which is how shows/networks make a bulk of their money. With Twitter or any social media, advertisers can't determine who is watching (age, income, etc) and people can make multiple accounts to

It is probably cheaper to make than shows like Hannibal, which helps.

Lifetime and A and E are owned by the same companies, Hearst and Disney.

I remember in season 2 when Stefan was helping Caroline adjust to vampire life and I thought then that they had the beginning of a wonderful friendship, NOT romance.

Am I the only one who felt that Elena became unbearable over the course of the show? I'm not sad to see her go since I haven't been rooting for her since season 3.

From the season 3 description, it sounds like The Originals is picking up where it left off, no time jump.

If I could like your comment more than once, I would.

I think part of Cami's problem is that she seems like Caroline 2.0. Before Klaus ever came to Mystic Falls, we had a chance to know Caroline in her own right for two seasons and that gave the writers an opportunity to develop her character a bit. I liked the idea of Klaus-Caroline because she made him feel and he

That says something really bad about the writing/storytelling if a viewer can't remember who felt what towards whom.