Sorry not buying it.
Sorry not buying it.
I have never had a dinner with a client or co-worker when I wasn’t on a business trip. Lunch works much better in my field.
I mean, to be fair, it’s so ingrained in us to brush things off and let things go and not make a fuss, so perhaps she’s justifying it. Complicity isn’t always so cut and dry.
Lunch makes complete sense to me, as do business trips. I just would sort of dread a scheduled dinner with a superior, or even a colleague that wasn’t also a friend. This question is mostly born from my networking anxieties.
Is her name “Mother” Pence?
I’m a married woman in a male dominated field. I have eaten dinner with a man one on one on business trips but one dinner that really sticks out to me is when a colleague and I wrapped up a huge successful project and wanted to celebrate. I suggested a quick bite, he wanted to go all out so we went to a nice…
...How’s Karen Pence handling all the backlash from this weekend?
And it would help if white people who do finally get it, translate this to how POC are treated - then maybe they’d get it. Maybe. (Woman - same - probs older).
is it normal to have dinner with colleagues one on one?
I doubt any of these fine, upstanding gentlemen suddenly started shutting women out as punishment. It’s a lot more likely they’ve always shut women out and blamed women’s lack of intelligence or their bitchiness or the fact that they were only hired because of affirmative action. They’ve just found a new way to…
I wish I remembered who said it but I saw a reporter on Twitter who said every mogul in Hollywood lawyered up last weekend. I doubt women outside of Hollywood are going to have the same opportunity, or forum, to finally fight back in the same way, tho.
honest question—is it normal to have dinner with colleagues one on one? i could see doing that in a group setting, but otherwise i would find the whole thing pretty unpleasant.
I had a really disturbing conversation with a friend who said she would not “allow” her husband to have dinner with young female colleagues. Aside from the fact that she apparently can’t trust her husband if he’s off-leash, that is the kind of shit that holds women back at work. People really can work together without…
Damn, are they incapable of not making everything about them? Jesus. The solution is not to stop interacting with your female colleagues, the solution is simply to KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL. DON’T HARASS, DON’T ASSAULT. Why is that so fucking hard to understand? AAAAARRRGH, I’m having a rage stroke.
No, it’s passive-egressive behavior. They are shutting women out as punishment for their colleagues’ not being allowed to do whatever they want to them.
This is so stupid. Are these men seriously that obtuse?
My gut feeling is that many of these men are guilty of harassment themselves and are now panicking at the idea that they’re about to get busted.
As someone who is constantly being harassed at her work I wish men at my workplace would just implode.
Just like the scared college bros who are afraid to talk to girls because they could be labelled rapists! Men are the true victims here.