
It was the 90's. For some reason she could get away with that back then

Yeah to say Joanne is a minor blip on the radar? Huh? It’s actually maybe one of her best works to date, I adored her fame monster phase but clearly she moved in, she’s an amazing song writer and performer and this album showcased that. It’s a weird thing to say..... this was her first album showcasing her as her true

I’d say any kid at 2o with her background is not taking into account and consideration how much work and commitment parenting takes to raise a kid that’s not fucked up.

It was a completely different world when your Mom had you at 22 than today. We haven’t created an artificial adolescence, technology and the internet has.

It’s not that hard! We have created an artificial adolescence that extends way too long. Young people are capable of more than we give them credit for. My mom had me when she was 22, and all her friends had babies around that same age, and they were not blighted nor were their babies. It’s fine. She’ll be fine. The

She doesn’t have to be either if she doesn’t want to be. It’s not like she’s locked into it and living in an area where getting a pregnancy terminated is made virtually impossible for women. She’s a Beverly Hills princess.

Are you really discounting how much technology and history in the last century has affected our attention, cognition and Emotional Intelligence? Or that the life span was a third shorter in those days?

Technically, our prefrontal cortexes (the part of the brain that’s responsible for higher level thinking and emotions) isn’t fully developed until around 25, and I think that’s arguably when someone’s an adult. 18, 19, 20? You’re still a baby, not understanding how decisions will impact the rest of your life. She got

Does she talk about her chronic illness much? My friend has fibromyalgia, same as her, and when he found out she has it he got really excited because he didn’t feel so alone in his diagnosis.

I mean.... You’re right. But 40 is still 20 whole years older than 20 and so there is an objective degree of aging and maturity that happens between 40 and 20. While the overall perspective of looking back 20 years and feeling that person 20 years ago is young compared to your older self, it doesn’t negate the fact

Yeah I agree.... 20 is really young to be reproducing. I’m 29 and I feel that way. Ahaha. I mean if you think it’s the right time for you I guess go ahead? QUESTION MARK??? Just. Maturity wise. It feels kind of young.

I think the point where Kris and Caitlyn allowed and accepted their teen daughter dating a much older man was exploitation, and allowing that same teen daughter to get plastic surgery was exploitation. Kylie’s body, Kylie’s choice, except when she was a child and it was her parents job to help her make good choices.

anyone putting their kid on tv is exploiting them to some degree. the kids have no idea what is normal or not, and they dont get a say in the matter.

kim’s havent because of kanye. Kourtney’s kids are allll over the show. not to mention being raised by the fucked up shallow/materialistic/narcissistic women who run that show.

Except for Kylie and Kendall . . . And North was a prop in that tacky Jackie-O photo shoot just a couple of weeks ago.

Agree it’s her choice, disagree that she is an adult. When you get to your 40's you realize 20 is still totally a fucking kid in todays world.

Sorry, have to disagree. 20yrs old is still a kid. Big time.

It’s usually so, so easy for me to hate on celebrities, but I get the sense that if I met her in person, I’d actually like her.

If Madonna laughed at someone being raped, why on earth is she still a thing? I had never heard that before (it was before my time).

I’m super excited to watch this. I’ve been listening to her wonderful openness for a couple of years now - ever since her first appearance on Howard Stern. Her first interview with him was probably the best interview I’ve ever heard anyone give. It’s hands down the best of the thousands that he’s ever conducted, as