
Perhaps think about the future. Eventually, shit will be sagging, dicks will go limp, there will be stents in arteries, colostomy bags, broken hips, and all manner of hell on earth that will make you wish that you were dead instead. Do you have someone that you can stand to be around through all that shit, or was it

Screw that.

This is the downside to a lot of the actual, real nice guys I know. I have several male friends who are wonderful guys and I can be completely vulnerable with, but those exact personality traits make them much less dominant in bed. It’s the main reason I didn’t pursue a relationship with a good friend who is perfect

The therapist that my ex-husband and I went to operated on the theory that sex issues are actually communication issues. In our situation, my ex didn’t want to discuss why we weren’t having sex/he couldn’t make me orgasm (which was definitely a him-specific issue, to be clear; I can get off pretty easily with most

I think she needs to stop worrying about the time she’s invested in the relationship and just peace out and find a man who can dick her down right that she can train to do dishes.

Eh. I’ve got a very high libido, but I generally only want sex with my wife at night (that’s the time of day I am at my peak arousal I guess?) If we get up in the morning early, i’m not dying to have sex, but at night, if she even brushes up on “it” it’s play time lol Guys definitely have a time preference. I don’t

Ooor, he just has a low libido. Which men have! Lots of men! I feel like everyone jumps to asexuality these days instead of “maybe the man/woman just prefers sex less frequently.”

I think the suggestion that he’s gay is totally off-base. Men have low libidos too, and men can be fussy about sex too. It’s harmful to presume that every low-libido man is actually gay, since it forces performative gender roles on men and women and leads to people talking around or dismissing the actual issue causing

It is highly likely that sex will continue to be important to her and the unsatisfaction will grow into resentment.

It might be he really has no interest in sex and is overcompensating in all other areas of the relationship. I mean, c’mon, this guys sounds like the male counterpart to the manic pixie dream girl. No way he’s real.

I thought maybe I’m an old (I totally am) and out of the loop when I read that because holy shit.

Yeah, it doesn’t even sound like what she wants is that complicated. She can train him to go to PoundTown, but it sounds like he doesn’t have much of a sex drive. Maybe she can buy him some toys for him to use on her if he can’t get it up.

I thought of Savage Love, too. Sexual incompatibility is an important thing to consider, and often is a deal breaker. What I wonder is, when he does try, does he do a good job? Or, was it more like she appreciated the effort and hoped it would go somewhere?

Much better advice. Some dudes don’t want to be the dominant partner. I have knowledge of this issue in one of my nieces: her beau didn’t want to spank her. In the end, HE was the one who ended the relationship because the one time he spanked her hard enough it left a mark and that freaked him out and he told her he

That, or what has changed that you were willing to look past the “bad” sex in the first 1-2 years and stay with the person, that suddenly it is not acceptable. I’m convinced that these letters have to be fake and a troll by Jane Marie because there is no sane way someone’s first advice is “have an affair” rather than

I feel like I listen to more than enough Savage Lovecast to have heard the first scenario over and over again. If the sex is bad this long into the relationship and your partner has shown no interest in improving it, then you have to really sit down and ask yourself whether bad sex is the price of admission you’re

The pinnacle of TV maniacal laughs!!

His change in expression and in total persona at that moment was the pinnacle of the season for me. I had been kind of passively enjoying the show until Suddenly Evil Ted Danson put me in a happy place.

I didn’t realize this was coming back tonight!! I’m so hyped!!

This is so pedantic but I want everyone to watch this show as much as you do: The Good Place airs on NBC, not ABC. (As does AGT but who cares about that?)