
The only good news is that by the end of the series they were both garbage and deserved each other. I found it funny all the way through, but gradually liked them all less and less. On my last rewatch I noted the exact moment Monica went from adorably quirky to neurotic AF. (It was when she told Rachel to move out and

Yeah, they only slightly addressed it when Monica chewed him out for being jealous, but he continued being possessive. And there was an episode about her wanting a tattoo and Ross being opposed to it. Phoebe told her to do whatever she wanted, to hell with what Ross thought. And then she got the tattoo and it was a

My friends on Facebook must have unusually shitty lives, because scrolling through my feed is much more “what the FUCK are people doing?!?” and less “Wow, I wish my life was like that.”

Unfortunately, going to the bar by yourself as a woman is just begging to be harassed by men non-stop.

I dread the day I have to console my daughter over internet bullying or social media drama. It is just so easy to be mean to others when you don’t have to see their physical reaction, I am glad the worst I had it was people being jerks on Instant Messenger

Damn straight, Mr. Swanson! People are fun. People are interesting. Talk to them.

It bugs me that they never talked about that. They seemed to think it boiled down to whether or not he cheated and never addressed “she moved from serving him and his family/friends coffee to doing what she wanted and this bothered him a LOT.”

Their student loan deferrals went through!

So a few years ago, pre-children, my husband and I lived in the same apt. building as another couple who we were already friends with, but became way closer with. We hung out A LOT and it was fun, but we definitely had more than one occasion where we wished we didn’t live so close to them (not THEM specifically; just

This rewatch is cementing how big of a creep Ross was. The whole possessiveness around her getting that job and him wanting to “mark his territory” was really creepy.

“Were they on a break?” came up in conversation again recently and we hashed over how completely and utterly enmeshed Rachel was with that group when she worked at Central Perk. Not that she wasn’t still enmeshed afterwards, but when she did she lived with them, she slept with them, and they socialized at her

I keep social media at a distance partly because I don’t even want to entertain thoughts like this that seem to be inherent in that glossy environment.

I worry most about how my kids will process this stuff. They’re too young now but it’s only a few years away. Blech.

If you don’t think you have enough friends in our twenties when you’re single, just wait until you’re in your thirties, married and having kids. Suddenly all your casual friends start dropping away as you are all too busy raising babies, running chores and don’t have enough cash for babysitters and concert tickets.

A couple years ago, my cousin said she was so jealous of my life - it looked so fun!

It’s certainly possible to have stimulating conversations with random strangers, but there’s something to be said for the sort of trust and loyality that needs to build over time.

I’ve been rewatching Friends (for no good reason) and asked my husband what life would be like if two of our friends lived next door, and his sibling and another of our friends just hung out at our place all the time. I love my friends and family, but that is Too Much. I mean, in Friends, they are even over at Rachel

I don’t like it either, but it’s common colloquial usage and the meaning is clear. I’m more bothered that they’re using sparklers in the daytime(!) and that nobody is waving them around or writing curse words with them.

I’m so glad, I literally spent an hour searching for a photo that would have this effect.


“Everyone does not have more friends than you,”