
Postnatal vs. postpartum - in common usage, they’re interchangeable. If you want to be picky, use “postnatal” when referring to the infant (“postnatal” = “after being born”) and “postpartum” when referring to the mother (“postpartum” = “after giving birth”).

Honestly, it’s bullshit, because the hardest thing to realize (and communicate to others) is that a wedding is for the bride and the groom. Period. It’s a hard thing to reconcile personally and with others.

Twins, Irish Twins, and the possibility that one or more was premature.

i am so confused! one sister had a baby with the dude and ANOTHER sister married same dude? what???

I say spend $100 and hire a babysitter and buy tickets to bouncyland or chuck e cheese for the kids for the night of the wedding. Make a BIG PUBLIC SHOW of gifting these things to the sister. This will accomplish 2 things:

Also, people with closely spaced pregnancies have significantly increased risk of premature birth, making the subsequent births seem even sooner than they would otherwise.

I have a cousin who’s a piece of shit. Everyone knows it but he thinks everyone is wrong and a piece of shit for thinking so.

My cousin’s mother was dangerous and knew exactly where her wedding was and what time.

That is my nightmare.

Or the reverse, you can get your period immediately post partum (I had a break of exactly 6 weeks after my baby was born yet breastfed without issues for 15 months), and not be ovulating... The long and short? If you don’t want to get knocked up immediately after having a baby, get thee an IUD stat, regardless of

Breastfeeding is more likely to delay ovulation in undernourished women.

Yes, this was my thought, if she HAS to be there. It’s an annoying inconvenience, but hire a childcare person or two to keep the kids busy and out of the way. Maybe there’s even another room where they could watch the kids.

Our friends hired a sitter for kids at their wedding because friends traveled from overseas and brought the kids and while the kids had fun, they also had a place to go nap and chill so the adults could party on.

Can’t they hire a just in case babysitter to take the kids as a contingency plan here? I mean, I know it doesn’t solve the assholery of the sister in law, but it could save the day?

They were pretty pissed, but her friends knew what was happening, they pretty much ignored the kid (hence the re-placement of the stroller).

...what a DICKTURD! I would become a fire-breathing harpy from hell if someone pulled this stunt on me.

Ugh, what shitheads. I hope they’re no longer friends with that groomsman.

When my sister got married, one of her husband’s groomsmen asked if he and his wife could bring their infant (about 6 months old). They said no, no kids invited. He tried to make a case about not being able to separate the kid from his mother during breastfeeding. They said, sorry, then you won’t be able to be in the

Disinvite that bitch. Fuck her.

Short of rescheduling it, no matter what you do, bitch is gonna ruin your wedding. She’s intent on it.