
You want a progressive. Did you get one? Did you get anybody close to one. The GOP is rolling back progressive polices left and right. They are appointing 40 year old right wing nut jobs for judges. Judges last forever. They are rolling back regulations that protect the public. It will take years to undo this mess if

Well that’s what she deserves for writing a book called “Unstoppable.” Because bitch when? Everyone has been stopping you.

Nah. I’ve lost at Scrabble, and it had nothing to do with sexism. It was those damn triple word scores. I don’t believe that sexism is the only cause of Trump’s eventual victory, but I do know that denying it was a major factor is completely blind.

culture teaches women not to brag is essentially her argument

I know, right? “Damn, this book is really good. But they are going to kick me out of the Bernie Kombucha Co-Op if I say it out overtly.”

Lol at the saltiness of this article. Could anyone say less with more words?

I finished it earlier today and I would encourage everyone to read it. I found it to be a refreshingly blunt account of HER experiences. You may like what she has to say, you may not, but I thought the book was very well done. She defends herself and her decisions when she feels that she should and admits fault in

I am so confused. Don’t read the book, maybe? It’s not like she’s following you around screaming in your ear.

Given that Hillary Clinton has had the temerity to be an intelligent,ambitious woman who served as a senator and as Secretary of State, the animosity her book was generated indicates that sone people have a big problem with uppity women.


I just don’t understand why this happens. Why do the doors have to be opened? I’m perplexed.

Thank you! And, yes, and I hate it.

I also remember Serena “accidentally” announcing her pregnancy on Sheradopa’s birthday. I’m glad Serena Jr. following the family tradition taking away attention from her, considering how much shit she was talking about her mama in that book.

You know Sharapova is FURIOUS because her new book just came out and now Serena’s baby took all that attention away. Hahahaha.

Cute baby! Does anyone know if “Olympia” is a reference to Serena’s Olympics wins?

Holy moley...cute pic.

Well, Wednesday is complete and happiness reigns supreme.

Two weeks old and already has one championship win. Take that Sharapova!

She is so cute and tiny!

Aw, what a cutie.