
I suddenly want a Charlotte and Harry sitcom and I don’t even watch TV.

Team. TEAM. The kid started public school this week! There is a light at the end of the tunnel! (Still have to pay for aftercare but the sudden increase in cash flow is delightful.)

Oh man, my 13 month old has those same shoes!! MY KID IS PRACTICALLY ROYAL.

Oh...I just looked it up online. It looks deeeeelicious. And, no it doesn’t look at all like an American raisin bread loaf.

daycare is $1500 a month?!?! How can anyone afford to work??????

No icing and with raisins. So a cinnamon bun with the best part removed and the worst thing added.

It was something specifically floated at the school he’s attending but it isn’t an official policy. It’s targeted at kids younger than 5th grade I think. Not that I endorse it.

This bugs me too! Like, I get when you use French words for foods that we don’t have a word for (like croissant, or baguette), but like, “pain aux raisins” is literally just bread with raisins. It’s raisin bread. It’s like cinnamon raisin bread with no cinnamon. Just say “raisin bread.”

But Pain aux raisin comes in an appealing spiral shape that you can slowly unfurl to get at the delicious and moist’s kind of like cinnamon buns, but with raisins and no icing. Not that I am obsessed with it or anything.

What is this about kids not being allowed to have best friends? Is this a thing now? It horrifies me as an introvert who has always had one or two intimate, dear friends. I’m still traumatized by my 5th grade teacher’s crusade to make me and my BFF at the time stop socializing with each other at recess and mingle

And when he hits the other public school kids he can scream, “THESE ARE THE DROIDS YOU WERE LOOKING FOR”

And he just replies. “Just remember... I get to be king.”

instead of doorknobs, it’s filled with droid parts?

Them’s ‘is beatin’ sack, guv. It’s ‘is defense against rebel scum.

Did Harry not get a back pack? Was he forced to use a sack his whole school career? Is this because he’s not the heir to the throne?

Good! Getting them ready for their future roles as Imperial Officers in the Galactic Empire early. Goooood. LET THE BRITISHNESS FLOOOOWWW.

Don’t get too comfortable, George

He looked much happier before leaving for school. They look like an advertisement.

freshly baked pain aux raisins

What a week he’s having.
First day of school AND a new sibling on the way.