
He deserves worse and she and Jamie deserve to live happily ever after. It takes a lot of work and devotion to keep a relationship like theirs a secret, they’ve more than earned it.

Writing it as we speak. I expect CW to pick this up once I’m done.

Right! The whole dark mystery that has surrounded Katie since she departed the Cruiseship, just makes the secrecy here seem very sweet and romantic. Very happy for her/them.

Yes! Like, get married and maybe even have a baby, but just wander around ignoring everything, and when anyone asks say “what?” and move on. It can be done. Most people give up on it, but someone has to go full blown on it, and these two could definitely do it.

Well, they have been dating for like, four years. It happens.

It would be perverse and ironic and hilarious if Tom Cruise’s controllingness brought his ex (and Jamie Foxx) lasting happiness! After all, how often in Hollywood do actors have five years out of the spotlight to develop a romantic relationship?

1. Andy Cohen’s home office looks like an ironic take of my Grammy’s basement. I think I drunkenly threw up on that rug.

I like it all EXCEPT for that rug. With the lines and colors of the wood and the books, the rug is too busy (and frankly, looks cheap, though I sincerely doubt it is).

If you do it right, the “D” is never silent... :)

You can tell Andy is really doing what he loves, and being compensated handsomely for it.

Please give this fanfic to me right now. I picture Suri as a Mycroft-style character who is even smarter than Foxy, but can’t be bothered to do fieldwork (she gets all the clues from reading blogs on Tumblr.)

Can confirm that disco ball is his and is a permanent fixture.


But he’s so much better looking and more interesting that Tom Cruise so I’m happy for her.

I love that the definition of ‘going public’ with a relationship is now a blurry/grainy long-range photo of two people holding hands on a beach. They’re really putting it out there for the world.

Yes!!! I’ve been waiting for a post on this since I saw the photos! I don’t particularly care for Katie Holmes one way or another generally, but she does seem to have one very specific talent- being a press badass about her relationships and that makes her interesting to me. Her handling of her divorce filing was

Finally! Foxy Holmes lives!

That disco ball is there because of me! My company works with his architect and I was tasked with sourcing and ordering that giant gold disco ball.

* insert dawson crying gif*