
This. My main gripe with most MMOs is the fact that no matter what I do lore wise, I always feel like a nameless grunt. In FF14, I actually feel like I'm the main character. So far the game has been a beautiful breath of fresh air. I so desperately wanted to feel like I did when I first jumped on FF11 so many years

I completely agree, the complete game doesn't really open up to you until you play for about 20 levels. You don't even get into a dungeon until level 16. Learning how to act in a party is a part of the main storyline. They even wrote in an instance of what happens when you are the weak link.

I almost fell into that trap. Saw a couple of comments where I thought "How can they possibly think that in this day and age?" Then I realized they were old comments that possibly made perfect sense 3 years ago.

Ah, memories.

This is all you need to say.

but he is playing a male character. that first picture in the arcticle is a male armor

I have no idea how I wound up on the Japanese server. v.v

Here I am, in case anyone feels like throwing things at me.

Remote Play predates the WiiU, Sony did it first.

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Watch the end for the Invisible Tetris round.

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Students at Kasetsart University's agriculture school.......

I have it on Wii U. The gamepad adds a lot for level creation. The game itself seems a bit choppy on the framerate. Sloppy code for sure because this game definitely isn't pushing the envelope.

These aren't gaming comics, but they're frickin' HILARIOUS!!! These are made by Abby, one of the finalists in Strip Search: Her comics have a child-like inoccence that's equally funny and adorable.

First one's a heart, second one is a shark.

Couldn't possibly agree more. This change for change's sake is getting out of hand.

Jeez i hate how the article is shoved over to the right. It makes my screen feel wonky. After 5 attempts they finally had a good layout but wannabe Zuckerberg in Gawker towers just has to tweak it for no god damn reason. Jesus.

Free is free, as any executive should know if you are given something for free the value of that item does not decrease. Rather you now have something you no longer have a use for but a market opportunity to gain value from it.

One of my favorite and most memorable quotes comes from GTA: San Andreas, when the news refers to itself as "sensationalist bullshit."

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Boss Music from FFXI: Rise of the Zilart, and:

If there isn't at least an option to have my men yell "yolo" when they're about to die, I'm going to be sorely disappointed.