
Was at a friend of a friends house,didnt much like the friend of a friend. Her annoying little kid was bugging me about how awesome his wii was and its such a great system abd blah im like whatever,lets go check this thing thing out. Kid starts turning it into a riddle or somthing. Finally i snap at the kid

Other games like Quarterback Attack with Mike Ditka have done this too but people will only give credit to the NFL 2K series for inventing it. By the way QB Club 95 was a very fun game.

The Pokemon Card Game for Game Boy Color. There is no reason, only Zod.

I guess it's just being a parent but I immediately knew Gary was a kid. So I'll share my potty story. My son has finally gotten to the point where he can have some autonomy in familiar one person public restrooms. We were at one such restaurant when my son announced, for all to hear, "Daddy, I have to pee!" I nodded

So... American Kirby is Hardcore?

Atelier: Artworks of Arland — from UDON again, I love looking at the art for these games almost as much as I love playing them.

Another UDON, this is the Ar Tonelico visual guide, because Ar Tonelico is tied with the Atelier series at the top of my RPG series list, even if it gets a little racy.

Monster Hunter sounds great!

Judging from the size of the hand, I'd say she's in her 64th trimester.

"Really, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 is kind of a dumb name, since this is a remake of Kingdom Hearts 1, not some sort of bridge between 1 and 2."


1:15 to 1:22 he has no left arm?!?!

I really, superly, naively hope, that there will be a Western PC release.

"Why are people so into Yuengling?"

Yes that is quite amusing

I always knew Michael Moore was a violent war criminal!

Sounds like a full game of those delightful puzzles from Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time.

Looks like Clank's gameplay from Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time.

I want to hear more about this, but only if Hannah Dawkins is involved.

Best Ni no Kuni