
"At the start of spring, Ellie is clearly suffering from some form of post-traumatic stress after her near-death encounter with David."

Hmm. I thought she was more depressed/out of it because she knew what was about to happen when they got to the Fireflies. She knew that she'd have to die to save humanity. Or am I

purple car is a bad driver

This was just as much the Fireflies' fault as it was Joel's imho. I think most people knew about his daughter. I'm sure the topic had come up at some point when Joel wasn't around between Marlene and what'sherface. Even if not, they failed in one aspect: closure. This is a man and a little girl who have been through

This is the best game ever made.

Damn, sarcasm on the internet is hard.

What do you like about the clip?

I'll take Young Justice back, thanks.

You swapped your Charizard for a Pikachu!?
Get out, and never darken my door again!

Now playing

And this shall be the theme of our untimely demise.

It was a great game to be certain, but one of the best 12 for the PS3 specifically? I don't think so, personally. Maybe I just find it odd that multiplatform games are taken into consideration over some fantastic first party games like inFamous.

This should really only be a list of exclusives. Only makes sense. No Ni No Kuni or Okami or MGS4 or Guacamelee or Tales of Graces F or the wealth of others that deserve to be on here over Modern Warfare or NBA 2k12? C'mon!

I think you should get rid of the sport game and put Valkyria Chronicles, that is one of the greatest PS3 ever in gameplay and story. A lot of people forget about it, It's one of the few PS3 games I have kept because it is so unique and so replayable. Also, I would argue to keep Uncharted on this list, either 2 or 3,

A "Best Games" list for PS3 without Ni No Kuni in it is an incomplete list. Also why Call of Duty 4 over the more recent ones?

I don't understand why you guys put non exclusive games on the list for "best games on ps3" or "best game on xbox 360" it seems pointless to me.

The Onion = Fake news.
Daily Show = Satire.CNN, MSNBC, Fox = Spun journalism.

Because I haven't been following Mac or tech news, I was really confused why there were two different garbage cans in the lead image.

So it's just like the PS3. Blergh.

So, bascally, the exact same thing we have now with Ps3.