I know they're pushing their weakest platforms, but a top-down cash in Halo shooter isn't going to convince me to "upgrade" to Win 8. On the inverse I'd totally buy this if it were an XBLA game, especially if it had co-op.
I know they're pushing their weakest platforms, but a top-down cash in Halo shooter isn't going to convince me to "upgrade" to Win 8. On the inverse I'd totally buy this if it were an XBLA game, especially if it had co-op.
They killed my nigga Ned.
I've not played it or seen it but I'm guessing it allows you to transpose the music up and down with 0 being the original pitch?
Regardless of what the author was trying to say, that presentation is pretty horrible.
Article aside, that website is horribly designed.
Is this game available on the Japanese PSN? If so, how difficult is this game to understand for a non-Japanese speaker? I can read hiragana/katakana, but my vocabulary is pretty limited, so it mostly only helps with loanwords...
"It's Triple Triad, only with a chain effect — newly taken-over cards will attack enemy cards adjacent to them as well."
Funimation has their own streaming service. They have shows on it you can't get on Hulu, too. The downside is they don't get anywhere near as many shows per season as CR, they don't have as many platforms to stream on, and their Roku app is pretty sluggish and buggy. Good back catalog, though, and enough decent new…
Ya crunchyroll is boss these days. Luckily I don't mind their subs, and pay for a membership and you get maybe more then about half of the worth while anime, often some of the best ones. I'm glad they get as many as they do, I would love to pay a bit more to have them all, makes me feel better then having to torrent…
slowtaku strikes again
Open-world horror isn't the easiest thing to do right. Horror relies on timing, and open-world games put so much…
Their son is a very good writer, at least. Some people think he goes on for too long. But I like his style.
That means you either go in a stall, be the first one in the restroom and take an empty urinal hoping that nobody takes the second one, or you drive home to pee. Taking the second urinal isn't even an option.
I personally peaked in 2005.
I, on the other hand, have no problem with this imagery at all. It's cartoon art, something I've been steeped in for most of my life. I don't find it offensive or embarrassing. Neither does my wife. Art only causes problems if you let it. Does it foster misogyny? You know what fosters misogyny? Misogynistic assholes.…
I'm Mexican American as well, but I'm not offended By guacamelee. In fact I admire juicebox for doing their homework and finding many of the our cultures quirks and inside knowledge. We don't get much acknowledgement besides cartels in games so thanks for a great game.
Weird, a buddy of mine just showed me a video of it, she was cute! But when he started to do it i wanted to punch his face.