
Ewww, get that Harvard comma out of here... it's an Oxford Comma.

So is there going to be a single player mode? Possibly going back to what Melee had?

I totally want this, but I have no idea what system to get it on. Either Wii U or PS3.

Hah, I didn't even notice that. I'll never be able to un-see it now :/

Luckily I only enjoy watching SC2 atm, so this doesn't make me mad at all.

The wipeout was totally worth that gif haha.

I think there are some words missing in that first sentence...

What about Blade!?

I'd be willing to buy this as well and make it 3/3, but the PS3 version felt even more broken than the 360 one. So I just hope they make it slightly less buggy.

Yay local co-op (looks more like a Gauntlet game though too... which is good).

Everything about this Special Edition was known and available for pre-order way back when they were still making the documentary, nothing shady about it (except maybe how long it took them to get things packaged).

So this isn't actually new at all... (I realize they just released the information again). Everything about this Special Edition was available for pre-order way back when they were still making the movie. In fact I did so, and kind of thought they just forgot about my order... guess it just took them super long to

You can play pretty much any of them... there is no continuing of lore... every game goes over pretty much the same exact storyline (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) adding and subtracting characters/stories along the way. I would stay away from 5/6 though... mainly b/c I can't remember anything about them haha.

*Worth: $5144.52

Haha yea, I don't get paid this Friday... but I do next~

Also alternate universe Superman from DCU Online was totally down for killing.

Whatever you do, DON'T play Mass Effect 1 for the 360! It's so bad D:

Kapp'n's awesome, he sung my friend and I a song about him having gas haha.

I see what they did there....