
But... the Japanese title for Ar Tonelico Qoga does make sense in Japanese! <.<

That escalated quickly....

Oh man, I totally had that Sesame Street game for NES. That was one of my first video games ever. It was actually pretty good for a 5 yr old haha.

I'm thinking they knew it was ice and that he was going to try and break through it.

Bride of Frankenstein is who Ebola was talking about. However Chun Li's hairpiece also wouldn't show up white haha.

Hah yea, I have quite a few different dragon statues that just put the Skyrim one to shame and cost around the same. In fact... I think I need to get a few more >.>

I want to know what the statue is made out of. I didn't really care for how Skyrim's dragon was made, I want some heft to my statues.

Oh come on guys... ninjas are meant to blend in with their surroundings. So they could easily be ninjas... as long as everyone else is dressed similarly.

You know what, I kinda like it. The eyes are weird... until you get a closer look and notice that only about 80% of it is their actual eyes. I don't really care for their super thin waists, but I would date them >.>

Hey now... that's a valid fear <.<;

That's kind of lame, especially considering some of the stuff Guinness will judge. :/

Does it really have to be foreshadowing? Can't it just be... hey what if we made a cool movie about these two side characters in Kiki's about how they met as children? Plus there's obviously magic in both worlds so I'm not sure the leaps in logic have to be too big.

I prefer the D.H.T. version >.>

I didn't think it was TOO bad, but you can check for yourself if you want.

Lots of fictional characters have birthdays though <.<;

Yea... you were much more of a spoiler than the video to people who haven't gotten to play it yet.

The goth couple is actually a pair of Hack/Slash cosplays, so they might not actually be a couple >.>

Yea... no. I think an HD Zelda game should look like the Wii U tech demo Nintendo did. I highly doubt they'll do it though.

There are 4 different Final Fantasy 7 games, the movie, and an OVA. I think they've done enough with 7 (other than HD remakes <.<;).

Heh so true. Entering an unknown area? Better check for traps.