
So if the tiles are gone, does that mean that everything in that category is now those huge pictures? That's a good bit of scrolling if you just want a simple overview of what is there.

What Jason forgot to mention is that they even have a papercraft kit for you to print out of Derrick on the Playstation Blog link.

I was both sad, and kinda pissed when I got to that. While I like that mutants aren't endangered anymore, something better happen with Cyclops or else he's going to be a total psychopath.

I personally really liked AvX, but maybe that was because I was already on Team Wolverine after the split and have ALWAYS considered Cyclops to be a super dick. I would also say that the Avengers were clearly the good guys. All they wanted to do was stop the Phoenix and protect Hope, and then Cyclops went crazy.

Kotaku's already posted several articles where that question is the entire point of the article... you should go there and ask >.>

Smart. (Wish my roommate would do that instead of using multiple plates to microwave some pizza)

I'm planning on getting Derrick the Deathfin on PSN when that gets released. I'll probably pick up Dishonored, XCOM, or Code of Princess once I get paid next week.

Just got pushed back another 3 hours :/

Yea, pretty sure those are how they are gauging wind speeds. Though I'm also pretty sure I saw a meteor or something shoot past probably around the same time you posted this.

I really like the dog one.

I love the twist at the end!

Yep, that's my guess.

I'm not defending it saying that's it's good, or not as bad as what they are saying. I'm just complaining about their number system. 65/100 has been considered "above average" since Math was created. If you want to give it a grade, do so A, B, C, D +/-.

How is 65/100 barely above bad? Since when is 50/100 considered bad? I guess since everyone started bitching about games not getting 80+ :/

Why couldn't you use Titan instead of Giant.... especially considering those are two different teams? >.>

It is amazing, way better than Jump Ultimate Stars I'd say. My college roommate had a copy and we would play it all the time. How you go about unlocking stuff was a little tedious, but meh.

Just to piss you off.

Well pre-ordering it gets you super heroes and villains at least.

Clarification added, I'm satisfied. ^.')b

Seriously? You removed his name even though it's right there in the blog post? Also considering that's not his real name, but his hacker name that's kind of weird. He also posted an "apology" (which isn't one at all... he's trolling).