
Yep, that sounds about right haha. Glad I managed to get out of it.... though definitely going to get back in once the new expansion comes out. Gotta play that Geomancer.

Man, I am so glad I never had steam track my FFXI time. I'm pretty sure my game time is probably close to 1.5 years.

Oh come on, that was totally Kenny G.

No idea, I'm calling BS.

That was pretty intense. I've actually hit a couple deer in a car (same car), the impact is crazy... I was also surprised he didn't go down.

I've only watched the first 4/5 episodes, and as you mentioned they are really amazing. If you can without any major spoilers, other than the obvious one I'm about to ask... do they manage to find out the "true" purpose of the game? (A simple yes/no answer also works)

Seriously. Agent Hunt is great unless you're the Agent :(

That's exactly what I thought, I was thinking someone redid Grunt's head and that is what was being talked about in the article haha. Oh well...

My friend just finished his Bachelor's Degree at 26. He didn't live on campus so I don't know how that might affect you, but as far as the learning...

Yep, I'll totally agree with you. I was pretty much the same as you (though I've never tried weed haha). People always thought I was weird for never wanting to go to the parties all the time.... it's not my fault that I found them extremely boring and the only reason people go to them is so they feel better about

That's been the case for much longer than you think haha.

I can't wait to mess with my roommate with this. As he watches stuff on my netflix while I'm asleep... one night that he's too loud I'll change it to something else haha.

Oh snap, so they are! I didn't notice them while skimming through.

Is that a Xiahou Yuan cosplay? That's pretty sweet.

Yea I'm with you. I got that it was the Seinfeld theme right away, but I wouldn't exactly say it was funny... just doesn't really go together (even in a humorous way).

While there is some valid point to the Final Fantasy argument, the FF series don't really relate to one another with storylines... I'm assuming Bayonetta 2 is a continuation or somehow related to the first's storyline however, which is what makes it a little worse in my opinion. That being said, I'm not really upset

What are you talking about, that was an amazing show.

Well, I'll definitely get this if it comes State-side (or if I magically learn Japanese at some point).

That's why it's 1.5! It's 1 and then the games that supposedly take place between 1 and 2. (I believe)