
VERY hoopy info. Thanks for the heads-up.

Ok, the cast and the last line of this review sold me on at least a Netflix viewing. Someday.

Did not know that! That's fascinating. Knowing that's how your Dad did it…

You should! I will warn you, tho, that there is not one ounce of humor in the entire running time. This is a straight-up, squirm inducing gorefest. But it's a blast, nonetheless.

Sorry, but that's ridiculous. It's a remake. Cabin in the woods, Necronomicon, possession…and like you said, Raimi and Campbell (and Tapert) produced it. Remake.

Ah, I see. That makes sense. That's quite a coincidence, tho, innit?

It's divisive, but I really like the EVIL DEAD remake. It's not really fair to compare it to the original, tho.

Some of the Tom Baker stuff on PBS when I was a kid, but otherwise no. I'm…sorry?

I am not. Pray tell?

I mean, based on the four or five chapters I've read so far, it'd kind of have to be.

I'm trying to read the book right now, and man, I have to treat every chapter thus far as a short story with no connections to any other chapter. Hitchhiker's Guide is one of my favorite books of all time, but Dirk Gently is a different beast all together.

For a couple of minutes, at least…

JCVD being a total weirdo (from what I've read) is the main draw for me, here, but I'm not adverse to either Scott or Jones' (I'm also one of the four people who genuinely loves EVOLUTION.) involvement.

I'm kinda excited to see that one, actually. But I'm one of the eight people that genuinely loves THAT THING YOU DO, sooo…

Counterpoint: PJ Soles topless.

I upvoted you coz you made me chuckle. Then I clicked on the link. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. I didn't need to see that. No one needs to see that.

I've been meaning to re-watch it for years now. I first saw it at a drive-in, and when the hook punches thru the medicine cabinet I jumped so hard I fell off the hood of the car I was laying on.

Thanks for that. Now everyone at the bar thinks I'm a total lunatic.

There's only been 87 episodes?!? I didn't quit the show until the middle of last season, and I would've guessed somewhere around 8 or 9 thousand.

I don't give a shit what it's about.