
Where is that kid?!

I was a month-old fetus when that aired. Now I'm a 37-year-old teenager. Work is gonna be suuuper fun tomorrow.

This is happening in my town. Six days before my birthday. I must do this.

Run over somebody, I guess? Yeah, prolly too soon.

Which is why I still believe that motorcycles are in the Top 10 of mankind's worst inventions. Noisy and incredibly unsafe? Yeah, that's dumb. Best wishes to friends and family.

Oh, "just" an ass grab. Feel free to fuck the fuck off, asshole.

Right when I started to (and continued to) read it. Hey, I was like 12! I did make a couple of bucks off the issue where Reed and Doom 'died', tho.

Well, The Next Karate Kid made about 9 million, domestic. I wouldn't say it 'shot her into the stratosphere'. In fact, a little indie drama seems like a natural next step after that.

I sincerely hope that you're being facetious here.

It's 'suite'. Not 'sweet'. But thanks for putting the effort into it.

And that's ok. And an ok mistake to make. And even then, how do you know? I'd love to see a Jughead/Felicity crossover episode where they investigate some stuff.

"hotel sweet"? Are you kidding me?

I love the whole album, but it's "Call of the West". That song is just EPIC.

My close-to-40 ass drank and skanked at a Reel Big Fish show a couple of months back, so I feel ya.

Holy cats! Came here to say "Mexican Radio" but I was not at all expecting it to be anyone's pick! Props, AVclub. Major props. "96 Tears" is another favorite.

Drank six beers during GRINDHOUSE at an Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, then went to a work meeting. Then I drank more beers. One of my favorite cinematic experiences of all time.

Pushing 40 but I finally saw LAWRENCE OF ARABIA on the big screen last year (in 70mm) and Holy Cats, what a movie. This summer the same theater is showing VERTIGO in 70mm and I'm totally going to see that one.

I bought a VHS bootleg of Blair Witch Project at a comic book store in Kansas City before it came out and watched it in a basement apartment in Arkansas surrounded by woods. Prolly the ideal way to watch it. Afterwards all us 20-year-olds went out in the woods and scared ourselves shitless. One of my favorite

I was only four, but I totally remember demanding to see Back to the Future again in the theater. If you ever have a chance to see it on the big screen, DO NOT pass it up.

I was the only one in my group who'd seen the bird hit the force field, so the whole time Hemsworth was getting ready to jump the ravine on his dirtbike I was cackling with glee and none of them knew why. I also made a joke before the movie about being killed by a unicorn despite having no knowledge that a unicorn