
I liked 2/3 of that movie, but they really fucked up Viper.I didn't think they even had the rights to use her.

I love the writing here, and the commenters are mostly pretty funny. I haven't done stand-up since my first bombing, but I really want to get back on that horse.

And you either have no way to reply or you've passed out. It's weird to meet someone online who just does not fuck around, right? Get back to me, Bradley.

Ok, then. I'm prolly gonna watch it anyway, coz it looks batshit crazy. Hopefully I can double dip this with John Wick Chapter 2. That sounds like a fun day.

Yeah, that's me. They took away my FB Avengers game, so I gotta find something else to do to take up my weekends. This is a different crowd, but I like being irreverent as much as the next guy. Hell, I started doing stand-up last year, so this is good practice. Hi!

Well, then I've been misinformed. But I still believe this is gonna be an ensemble piece.

I don't even have to click on that link to know that joke. That show is the funniest thing Kevin Smith has ever been associated with.

Sure, if you don't count shield-slinging, tank missling, repulsor shooting, arrow firing, taser zapping, lightning throwing, all the shit War Machine has, whatever the hell Scarlet Witch can do and whatever the hell Vision can do.

That's fine. I enjoy a good bit myself, from time to time. But as I'm not a known quantity here, so you have no way of knowing if I'm being sincere or not. I get it. Let me just say this: Arrow by and large sucks huge monkey balls, but the first season of Flash might be the best first season of TV of all time.

Honestly, who gives a shit about the why? Let's just breathe a collective sigh of relief that he's almost certainly (almost coz there's a ton of morons out there) unelectable now.


I own his memoir, and this is the Author Photo, for crying out loud:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that The Trapster hasn't won a single fight in his entire super-villain career. And super-villains DO win from time to time, too.

Believe it or not, it wasn't. I'm kinda new here, but I don't believe in that kind of crap. Have a nice night.

Ah, sarcasm. I guess that means I can call you a big weirdo, ya big weirdo.

Having watched the trailer several times, I take immense pleasure in knowing that Keanu's every shot is a kill shot, even if they don't show us.

I'm just saying. But I think this whole 'controversy' is extremely stupid in the first place.

Fair enough. I wan't paying that much attention, tbh.

Ok, have fun with your bit, then.

That's a pretty tall order for The Avengers That Can Only Punch Things, isn't it?