Johnny Furious

In my opinion, it’s a tortuous (and probably doomed) argument. Sure, Apple has 100% say on what apps appear on their devices, but Apple devices have plenty of competition from Samsung and others - if you want a smartphone you don’t have to buy an iPhone.

You don’t have to own everything to have a monopoly under US law, you merely have to have use your market power to either suppress fair trade OR force customer to engage in other financial transactions as a condition of doing business (“tying”).

Not a lawyer and don’t have any skin in the game, but my best guess is

The govt looks to define the market. If you try to narrow it down the most specific it is a mobile gaming and application platform. Google automatically is included and becomes a duopoly (which could have implications). If you define it as mobile gaming platform then Nintendo gets added to the mix. If you try to

There’s a fundamental problem with that comparison.

Well under Epic’s interpretation, wouldn’t their EGS exclusive games mean they’re a monopoly and I could sue them for not being able to play those games on Steam?

How about suing Sony for not being able to play Xbox Games on a PS4?

You realize there is this awesome option... that if you don’t like Apple’s “overly draconian” policies... you can... get this... not use them! You have freedom of choice here.. if you choose to use apple, then you accept how they run. The only way I see you have no choice, is if you are on mommy and daddies account

Seriously the anti console exclusive crowd is crazy. Exclusives are the last true bastion of good single player experiences with polish. Every third party company had moved to online games and mtx with only indies and AAA exclusives keeping gaming moving forward.

Xbox needs to coast until either their first-party efforts catch up to the rest of the division or GamePass becomes approximately as ubiquitous as Netflix.

From Kotaku themselves:

Human rights are cool and all, but have you seen this new Hearthstone expansion?!

If you believe the internet, though, this game’s biggest problem isn’t the boring, stale repetitive gameplay or Marvel characters with zero charisma. No, it’s the fact that there is a character exclusive to a console!

Kinda sounds like you two view difficulty completely differently! It reads like Alexandra considers a game “difficult” when she dies or is unable to succeed, while Ari considers a game difficult when he is hit or is otherwise not an action-movie badass.

So true. I mean, in Diablo III it’s all right click, right click, sometimes left click? Then you potion, and then BOOM! RIGHT CLICK! You get some active skills and some passives and oh man, depth! EXCITEMENT! Its gameplay isn’t at all like a shinier, smoothier rehash of Diablo II (with a better loot system and without


Nah.  You’re just the last person to still believe you’re the last person.  Most of we olds have never understood it.

And many of US are tired of $60 games that ship fucking *broke*. You know what never got patched? Super Mario Bros. Either you’re an entitled teen/twentysomething gamer with NO sense of history or you're a Xennial/Xer who has forgotten your roots.

Role playing involves consent and I don't think that this guy gets that. 

Hmm, I dunno. This is one thing that drives me crazy about PC gaming. I always have a worry that the games I buy are just going to stop working some day. It’s always annoying when I purchase a fairly new game and it won’t launch because I need to modify some config file somewhere every time I want to play the game. Or