
I think you mean here is a promo for season 4 of Fringe. #corrections.

Interesting. I went to an all-girls boarding school with the option of "day" students and makeup was not allowed. I honestly don't know if it was in any rulebook. But no-one as a general rule wore make-up. Powders were allowed, and if you could use mascara or lipliner discreetly enough not to be visible (and in that

Why isn't Gina Torres on this list?

In "Angel", two vampires gave birth to a human baby.

No one is punished? Don't the Moabites and the Ammonites become enemies of the Jews, God's chosen people, who are systematically slaughtered during the times of the great Kings and Judges?

IAWTC. And to get a better perspective on the context of this case, check out the comment above yours.

How dare you try to put things in context on the Internet?!

I think it's a stretch to jump from the expectation of sex in marriage to grounds for marital sex. It *seems* extraordinarily petty for the woman to sue the man after getting her divorce... but we only know part of the story. Let us not jump to conclusions.

I love the fact that there are separate character shots for Olivia and Bolivia, Walter and Walternate and you can tell just from what they are wearing and their poses exactly who they are. Bring on Season 4 and let's hope Astrid gets to play a more prominent role.

Why isn't the theme song of LOST on this list? It might not be the easiest to play karaoke with, but it's sure to send shivers up and down your spine.

So much word on this. I was appalled at some of the comments down-thread.

A lot of what I find problematic about Lily's story is that there is so little ... flaw within her. She chooses Snape over James, so to speak (to put things as simply as possible) because Sirius puts himself in the wrong with her... but it's never seen as an error in judgment on Lily's part to have chosen James at

I am so glad to see Frieda Pinto in something high-profile since Slumdog. I was expecting her to fade into obscurity like every other female PoC that makes it "big" in one movie but never gets the follow-up that the likes of, say, Jennifer Lawrence do.

Did they factor in whether the mothers were stay-at-home moms or working moms? Because that makes a big difference. I stopped pumping for my baby just before she turned 16mos because I was pregnant and the output was so frustrating. I'm still nursing her...

Also...who the heck is fathered Toph's daughter?!?!

You. are. awesome.