
Actually Angel did watch her while she slept... both before and after they had sex that turned him into Angelus.

If Angel/Buffy 'turn your boyfriend into a monster' sex or Spike/Buffy hate!sex doesn't creep people out then I doubt Edward/Bella sex will.

But we're not getting the story entirely from the wizard perspective. Harry straddles both worlds: as a Muggle-born's son, and as a boy who spends half his life in the Wizard world. Hermione, his Muggle-born friend also lives in both worlds. Why can't her parents have names? Why can't we see empowered Muggles? It's

"So, as many articles as Jezebel puts out that makes me feel bad for being white, I'm not going to feel bad. I've done nothing wrong. "

Nearly a third of the cases is kind of misleading. It's more like nearly a third of the cases are caused by the man, nearly a third of the cases are caused by the woman, and the other third are caused by both partners together or unknown causes.

Fleur came last in two Tasks and was the only player who could not complete the second task. There are all sorts of in-universe reasons why Fleur fared the way she did. But in the end, Jo made the narrative choice of having only one of the Champions be female and having that female Champion being the consistently

Harry has his mother's eyes, though. Snape gets to look at them one last time before he dies, after which we finally get Lily's back-story.... which isn't about her at all but about Snape.

If they had kept Ginny in Book 5ff as the same girl that was in Books 1-4 (the ones that told her brother and her crush to stop laughing at the thought that Neville had a date, and turned her crush down to go out with the guy she had promised a date to), I would have been happy to see her with anyone - Harry, Neville,

Maybe, he did in another universe. *shifty eyes*

I would suggest going back and reading the books.

But they weren't just giggling over crushes. They were giggling over the use of Love Potions. See the effects on Ron in HBP. The real-world equivalent would be a bunch of girls giggling with their mother over the way Mom used a Date Rape drug when she was a kid. Which still doesn't come across as too harmful until

I actually have a lot of issues with the way race is portrayed in the Harry Potter books: both the race of the actual individual players and the parallels with race in terms of magical bloodlines.

The books actually say that Muggle-born/Pure-blood marriages are all well and good but Wizard/Muggle marriages never end up well: between Snape's abusive upbringing, the rape-abandonment story that leads to Voldemort being born, the examples of Wizard/Muggle couplings are actually quite horrifying.

The narrator has been known to call out Harry when he is wrong or mistaken about something or someone e.g. his behavior in Half-Blood Prince to a large extent. But in this case, there is no 'external' acknowledgment that Harry's perspective on this is wrong. And this leads to unfortunate implications of Cho's apparent

And Keanu Reeves* is not exactly a young White male either, so that nullifies even that!

I always find myself trying to stuff my fist in my mouth when the topic of Harry Potter feminism (or racism, for that matter) comes up. It’s a bit like when I look from a distance at a picture of a beautiful plantation-style mansion in 17th century America painted with very bright and lovely broad strokes and I am