
It doesn’t seem like there’s any possible valid reason to keep a conservator who isn’t on speaking terms with the person they’re managing.  Pick a firm, pick another person, etc.  

It seems as though Britney’s argument isn’t that she doesn’t need a conservator anymore, but just that it shouldn’t be her father, & the courts should really take that seriously.

Using Pornhub is not theft in any way shape or form. Just stop.

I would LOVE to exploit that stupidity to our benefit but the GOP has already conditioned to hear anything from a Democrat as “fake news” or whatever. Also I think Republicans are OK with paying taxes in theory, just not more taxes, and definitely not on things that don’t directly benefit them. I have several well-off

Trump lost votes among white males (but still carried them) but seems to have gained among every other group.

Lol that’s not even close to extreme. The Bundy’s did essentially the same thing and the Feds let them walk away.

Do i even need to ask what would happen if the crowd were just trump supporters with blue lives matter flags?
Pretty sure the cops would just be handing out their doughnuts. 

Every single cop in that department needs to thrown in prison. Even the ones that weren’t there. There’s no saving that department, toss them all in the brig. 

And the way the one power was described as a flowing force. Fans of the books will recognize what they were going for there immediately. 

Sentient lava lamp fluid, from the looks of it.

After feeling emotionally crushed by the nonfiction I was stuffing my face with earlier this year, I’m re-reading WOT for the third or fourth time right now (depending on how you frame it) and am currently midway through book five. While it was a slog reading them through the first time, waiting years between releases

This will be a fun watch. I hope they have mods for her chat.

“Definitively proving” masks “work” to slow the spread of Covid would be unethical. All we can do is rely on what data we do have available, all of which shows that masks seem to be effective at reducing transmission. On the other hand, there is zero downside to you wearing a mask, unless you are one of the very rare

Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.

I’m a child of the 90's but most of the media I consumed as a kid was stuff from the 80's. the pop culture references in the book are nostalgic for me despite not living during that decade.

This is not news. There has been a vomit inducing caterpillar living in Washington for the past four years. 

Spider-Man needs a mentor because he is still in High School and often makes ill-advised decisions that can lead to traumatizing results. Remember how that works? Are we complaining that Spider-Man is getting visits from MCU characters in his movies?

What do they do to protect their hives?

God No.
