
It isn’t Madoff we should be worried about. He went to jail. SO FEW of those who caused the 2008 financial crisis faced justice. It lead to those at FTX, much of the rest of the cryptocurrency industry, and others in non-crypto related financial scams, believe they could act with impunity.

I’m saying this as someone who was a huge fan of the Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, etc. games.

Yeah - I have a 2017 Prius Prime now - and I’ve loved it, but next car is definitely full EV (probably the new Equinox coming out next year unless something changes).

If you don’t mind sharing why are you not going to watch the show? What is it about it that makes you unwilling to give it a shot?
Not criticizing you - just trying to understand.

I’ve got a different electric snowblower (Ego) and I just keep the charger inside the house.  They stay by the charger aside from when I’m actually using them.  This will be the fourth winter I have it and no issues so far.

I saw Dune (and a few other movies) this summer at a local drive-in, since my wife also doesn’t feel comfortable going to indoor movie theaters yet with covid.

I only get a migraine once every month or two. I’ve tried the weighted masks - but they feel like they do more harm than good for me.  I can’t stand the weight on top of my eyes. It took me a while to find a mask that was both almost weightless - and still did a great job of blocking out light.

I only get a migraine once every month or two. I’ve tried the weighted masks - but they feel like they do more harm

I’d rather that over what it actually does. It just repeats, ever 30 seconds or so, “Cleanup needed on isle 3" or whatever isle. It repeats it constantly until an employee gets there to clean it up. It’s both incredibly annoying as a customer, and presumably demeaning as an employee to have this over-glorified Roomba

The founders still have a controlling interest in the company - so this anything good or bad that happens with Google - Brin and Page still have control over.

Nothing beats the Castlevania wall chicken

I have an NSAID allergy, so asprin, naproxen, ibuprofen, and essentially anything that isn’t acetaminophen or an opioid is out.

I brought a couple of those to a BBQ years ago - everyone loved them.

For me - it’s Baldur’s Gate 2. They took a great game and made it better on almost every count. More characters and characterization of them, better and more beautiful areas (indoors, outdoors, and underground), and better combat. The voice acting of David Warner as Irenicus was perfect. The music was fantastic - I

Ms Singh is absolutely right here. Southwest has no idea of the circumstances regarding her life - or any other passenger’s lives. They don’t know if this person is legitimately facing threats. Posting someone’s flight info without their consent means that not only does someone reasonably know where you are, but they

So I’ve been waiting for an ending since I first read Game of Thrones in ‘96. This is most likely the only ending I’m going to get from these stories.

Now playing

Some great game music already shared - but my favorite is the dragon battle music from Baldur’s Gate 2 - the tone so perfectly fits the imposing enemy (especially when you’re doing it for the first time - and without online strategies).

Codenames would DEFINITELY fit that category - for at least a minimum age (probably not 7, but 10 as the article says).  You can even have teams of young vs old, or mixed teams to balance things out but it would work really well either way.

Nope - just load the app and choose restaurant order instead of mobile order.  It will show a code on the screen that you show to the cashier. 

When I was growing up it was always NES pronounced as “ness” but everyone called SNES “Super ness” since “sness” sounds weird I guess. Maybe it’s a New York thing?

The books have gone downhill after book 3 so it isn’t as if the books have been some perfect source material either.