
China’s relationship with North Korea is exhibit A as to why nothing is done about the dictatorship.

Oof, heartbreaking.

Let’s not pretend that ignorant computer usage is limited to North Korea. See- American politicians, school teachers, or just about anyone using company tech to send nudes.

I’ve been saying this since November 9. Trump voters come in 2 flavors.

It has the option of having a gay romance, more than one. That’s representation. What, you want the game to perfectly divide up the amounts of partners available for every character type? If the answer is yes, fuck your entitled ass (and not in a way you will enjoy)

George Bush’s biggest mistake was thinking he should be President. America’s biggest mistake was electing him, twice. We’ve now totally outdone ourselves with Trump, a mistake that will likely haunt us for decades.

No Ben Bailey?! I always had a weird crush on that guy- he was so sweet, even when the people gave the worst answers!

I think that making excuses for the racist Trump supporters needs to stop.

Jill “Don’t wanna upset the Anti-vaxxers” Stein

Wow. Just wow. I’m numb from the sheer disconnect from reality.

Those have to be joke memes to make supporters look like ridiculous morons (in case you hadn’t thought of them that way yet)

It’s charming how quickly his backers can switch from “Donald is an alpha male silverback gorilla who will not shit from anyone” to “Donald is a precious little baby who is not accustomed to Washington, D.C., and must be sheltered from those nasty politicians”. Supporting Donald is a tremendously corrupting enterprise.

“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

Comey is responsible for Comey’s actions. No one else. If the Weiner laptop hadn’t existed I’m pretty sure he would have found some other way to attempt to throw the election to Trump.

If Comey is a neutral player he would have let the American people know that one of the candidates was under investigation for

Yep. And to add on more for the Witcher 3, it spoiled open world games/rpgs for me and I’m pretty much going to compare anything else moving forward to it. There is proof of quality games being made with excellence all around. But no, publishers/developers would rather shit out things for an arbitrary deadline they

There is advanced technology in the WoW universe. The Naaru obviously has it; the Titan pantheon absolutely had extremely advanced tech, and Sargeras (the main baddy of the Legion, and the WoW universe as a whole, for those who don’t know) being a fallen Titan himself could have brought a lot of that knowledge over to

... and who owns and operates these ships now? The Draenei... Complaining about magic ships traveling through space is probably the stupidest thing I have read today.

You forgot the best part of that entry - the header quote: