
should i then go and explore jumping outside

Well now I have a “How strong can you brew coffee” thing i gotta sort through tomorrow

“Playing 15 hours straight for a day for the sole purpose of looking for the fastest possible way to get through the game, whether it’s natural shortcuts or finding ways to break the game to reach areas quicker is not my idea of enjoying a game or getting my money’s worth.” 

It’s like warging, kinda?

It’s that nonbinding part, smart aleck. That’s why it’s not a treaty.

The role of the federal government! Great, let’s see here....

That’s good.

i feel like this kind of shit used to start wars

You’re saying remove the caps so that good teams that are willing to spend money can pay for the midrange stars of other good teams (making them terrible and the purchasing team great).

So instead of 2-3 great teams we have maybe 5-6, but with a field of teams after them that are truly terrible.

Yes, that would be

it’s the bottle’s name lol

That is one detailed simile ya got there!

This dream has gone on long enough that now I think I’m actually dead?

Doesn’t this have at least a little to do with it? Stay at home dad’s have certainly become more common over this time period.

WWII ravaged Europe’s productivity, creating an opening for American production to step in and become the dominant economic power.

Which is why I think anyone Gen X and younger should slowly transition their investments to be more international than US-centric. Relative to the rest of the world, there’s really nowhere

Bless your sweet heart for spreading the correct way to make sausage gravy.

This guy actively works against the tax payer to protect his bottom line. I’m not just gonna move past that and listen to your stupid opinions about note-taking.

Also, Quickbooks sucks.

.... You hate Dick Tree? Cause he cut his losses on something he no longer wanted to invest time in?

You should let that go.

What we need is an anti-Lifehacker website dedicated to buying expensive, use-specific crap instead of Macgyver-ing our own solutions.


What we need is an anti-Lifehacker website dedicated to buying expensive, use-specific crap instead of Macgyver-ing

It’s at times like these that I miss the banhammer/starred commenters/pink unseen section of old Gawker days.

Yeah, with your fucking mouse wheel. Keep scrolling.