K.G. Ballard

Is that so fucking hard?


To be fair, parents not letting their kids take in ideas or notions they don't agree with is what parents are suppose to do. If you don't like something, for fear of how it will influence your kids, then you shouldn't let your kids play or watch. Better than blaming other people.

They both do (aged 8 & 3)

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

C'mon, internet, u know u want to...

Are you allowed to disparage the best friend of Sam Biddle?

Will I need a pen??

"And, a couple of months ago when I bought a new home, I signed every document but one (which needed a notary public) using my iPhone."

Perhaps his next story will be about not having any coffee filters in the house, only k-cups, and how that means we'll have robots to wipe our butts in 10-15 years.

Aside from the complete douchery of describing the demise of the pen based on the fact that you don't have one, who the fuck doesn't have a pen?

It would be tremendous if this guy gets spammed on twitter with pics of peoples' junk drawers.

I am sure you are 100 percent correct that trans sex workers in Jakarta were really pissed that their faces weren't featured on the front of a magazine focused on the dangers and the issue of HIV in their particular corner of the sex worker trade.

Gee, I'm sure it has nothing to do with people not wanting to be the faces of a story about sex workers ...

You know what? It's actually not that different a world. Random stranger abductions are still amazingly rare - the difference is we hear about them because our media is so much more pervasive. And the more kids that are playing in the park, and walking to school, and taking the bus to the movies, the safer they are.

Fuck this. I was a latch-key kid. I was often home alone when I was nine. I also used to ride my bike to the park or my grandparents house, which was further away than the park is from that McDonalds. Not all nine year olds are the same. Some kids are smart enough to take care of their shit when they are on their own

can't give. too busy giving all my money to a guy who wants to make potato salad. i have priorities.

Tom Ley wrote the worst lede about Cal Thomas writing the worst lede about Chicago gun violence. We'd try to top it, but he already fixed it, so ok, whatever.