K.G. Ballard

I am sure you are 100 percent correct that trans sex workers in Jakarta were really pissed that their faces weren't featured on the front of a magazine focused on the dangers and the issue of HIV in their particular corner of the sex worker trade.

Gee, I'm sure it has nothing to do with people not wanting to be the faces of a story about sex workers ...

You know what? It's actually not that different a world. Random stranger abductions are still amazingly rare - the difference is we hear about them because our media is so much more pervasive. And the more kids that are playing in the park, and walking to school, and taking the bus to the movies, the safer they are.

Fuck this. I was a latch-key kid. I was often home alone when I was nine. I also used to ride my bike to the park or my grandparents house, which was further away than the park is from that McDonalds. Not all nine year olds are the same. Some kids are smart enough to take care of their shit when they are on their own

can't give. too busy giving all my money to a guy who wants to make potato salad. i have priorities.

Tom Ley wrote the worst lede about Cal Thomas writing the worst lede about Chicago gun violence. We'd try to top it, but he already fixed it, so ok, whatever.

Thanks for basically ruining my weekend with this story. Leaving now to take my kids for as much ice cream as they can eat until they barf. Big hugs for them. They are the light of my life.

And she would deserve it. She was the cause of the deaths of two people. One was a 16 year old girl who hadnt even really started her life yet.

Sorry you don't understand science and controls. It actually IS a really good reason.

Because controlling all variables is important.

Also hate when people don't specify Paris, TX or Rome, GA.

It is sad and strange to see a place like New York homogenize into pink and green frozen yogurt shops. But it's hardly a new trend, the same thing happens with blue Chase kiosks and Starbucks green.

Well clearly that box art ripped off Bomberman anyway.

That's actually a good point. I graduated with 267 kids and by the time I was in eighth grade, I knew where the great majority lived. This prank was definitely the work of a few kids, too, so between them, I bet they could figure out just about every address.

Depending on how small the town is (I did not google) it wouldn't be all that creepy if this showed up in their mailboxes. I graduated with 200+ people and at the time, could tell you where a large majority of my classmates lived, friends with them or not. This is still gross, no argument there, but not shocking they

At worst they ran blush. Mayyyybe mascara.

maybe hipsters are unfamiliar with comedy, but comedy is based on the comparison or contrast between two ideas that creates a friction or cognitive dissonance that our brains recognize as funny. Here, Rivers is comparing living in her daughter's lavish guest room to the hellish conditions of The cleveland kidnapping

Well, I don't know about that, but I do remember Joan herself made lots of jokes about her husband Edgar's suicide. She made 9/11 jokes, too.

But the joke wasn't at the expense of the victims. It was a self-depricating joke about her living conditions. Her living conditions were so terrible, that they were like those of the victims. You can say it wasn't funny, but to say that her attempt at a joke trivializes the plight of the victims is just stupid. The

I remember when my kid was born (about 10 years ago) doctors had just recommended pretty much no TV until the age of 2. There had been a study where they had done brain scans of babies who saw more TV and the brains were developing a bit differently. Not necessarily differently in a bad way, but differently. One of