
Right after college, I worked as a PA for a college student - he had severe cerebral palsy and needed a chair. He was going for an Masters in Ed so we went on a lot of site visits and immersives. It was amazing how many teachers/admin would talk to me for/over him. I’ll completely admit that I fucked up at first. A

Jesus. Glad she was able to get help in time. I still think that all the medical staff involved in Kira’s labor should be charged with negligent homicide at best.

It’s the "but I have black friends" of sex-pests and predators.

It’s as if they forgot earlier elections, when none of them denounced alt-right hanging effigies of Obama in nooses. Or when Palin had her maps of targets (denoted by a bullseye), and Gabby Giffords was Shot. In The. Head.

Magic 8 ball says -shake shake shake- Not Likely.

Good gods, thank you. Yes, she made one political statement. After her tour was pretty much done, so the money’s in the bank. After she’s remained silent on child internment camps, Muslim travel bans, March For Our Lives (which hit her demographic), Charlottesville, Black Lives Matter,...

I know you shouldn’t invite trouble, but I almost wish this would get cross-posted to Jez. All the ‘yaaaaaass’ing going on over there... This is still the same person who never spoke out against the Nazis who were loudly praising her, and who got “political” only when her tour’s winding down and the money's in the

So, not even GMG employees read Lifehacker.

Thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling. From swallowing my own pain and trauma since childhood- from being groomed and preyed on to learning as an adult, from men I trusted, that it’s safer to shut down and let it happen after I’ve said no repeatedly. That bruises fade and vaginal tears heal, and

Because every time, it was someone I knew. It was the family member as a child, that taught me to be quiet and complacent and depressed and withdrawn. It was the ex-husband who guilted and gaslit me into putting myself through physical pain and emotional break-down, because our marriage revolved around his sexual

Logic and emotions don't always agree. I've been in similar situations, and don't want you to treat yourself too harshly for something you had no responsibility over.  :)

Please don't feel guilty.  You had your bodily autonomy invaded and assaulted by a horrible asshole.  You were let down by the people who could have and should have done something. After that, I don't think many of us would feel able to go back into a crowd to find the assailant. I wouldn't. I'm so sorry this

Damn. For anyone wanting to blame Ariana, just don’t. I was in a relationship with a severe alcoholic and stayed longer than I should have because I felt responsible for his health. Guy drank himself into a 6 night stay in the ICU and relapsed the day he got home. I lasted a month after that before I had to block him

Reluctant star because I got that reference.

See, this is where being a cheapskate who usually stays in old hotels pays off.  Close the door gently, turn the key, and go about your business.

It’s the opposite for me- I’m up for a few hours before my boyfriend reanimates. So I'll make some coffee, play with the dog, go for a walk/swim if we're traveling, and polish my halo when he finally wakes up to caffiene and breakfast.

“lotion boy”. Immediately thought of this

Latter-day Johnny Depp would be perfect to reprise his role, just as-is.

I've not been impressed with Gaga's acting endeavors so far, and B Coop is an "ugh" for me, so I'll save it for a Netflix naptime movie.