
Tardy to the party, but I do a damn good tuna melt- canned tuna mixed with chopped pickles, red onion, mayo to bind- covered in grated sharp cheddar, and encased in a dill boule. It’s some kinda good.

Now I’m nostalgic for the Automat in the basement of a 'converted' hotel I lived in- roommate and I would scrounge change, get two sandwiches, and pool the rest for a couple 40s of High Life.  The chicken salad had a not-unpleasant baking soda sensation...

Been waiting for the perfect time to deploy this one.

Co-workers at the college my sister works for did this when she was battling breast cancer- she hadn’t been there long enough to qualify for FMLA. It went campus-wide, and ended up being over three months worth of PTO. She wanted to keep working through chemo, but the donated time gave her a lot of flexibility.

I got an inflatable 'party pool' from Target that's square, 2.5' deep, and about 6' corner to corner. The best part is that there are cupholders built into the rim. 

Bumping because this needs more attention.

How can I access dental care, as I'm late 30's with no insurance and a wisdom tooth erupting warthog-style? The side of my face is swollen and painful.

But seriously, fuck this guy.

I work customer service for a furniture company, and it’s brutal. I got blown up today- lady’s tabletop cracked, out of warranty, so I could have told her to get bent. Sent out our truck to pick up the table (for free), so we could repair it (for free), and she’s furious that it’s been three days and she has a

My coworker came in on the morning of her scheduled C-section, and was still given shit about taking 3 out of her 8 weeks maternity leave. Not only is that profoundly fucked up for her, but it sets unrealistic expectations for the rest of us.

If Rich had .125% the actual talent he ascribes himself, he wouldn’t be working press junkets for GMG. He’s not the big fish in a small pond. He’s a tadpole in a drainage ditch.

The CliffNotes for those who need:

Next year he should take the sprogs on a grand tour of rural Appalachia.

Possibly- It just seemed creepy, given the context!

While reading that, my Pandora kept being overruled by the targeted video ads in the article.

I’ve also banned smart TVs from the house. That is some creepy SkyNet bullshit and I’m not having it.

Thank you. Seriously. I appreciate it

Right. I forget forgot how extremely difficult it is for a man to see a male doctor.

Ok, fine, but only once. I don’t care who you see. I do care that it is far more difficult for women to see female doctors. That the health model is based on the physiology of a white man. That women are under-diagnosed from everything from MS to heart failure. That female pain is dismissed, especially when you’re a