Done with everyone who chides me for demanding female doctors. Yes, #notallmen, your father etc was an OBGYN, ...
Done with everyone who chides me for demanding female doctors. Yes, #notallmen, your father etc was an OBGYN, ...
I wish younger me was strong enough to kick him in the face and walk out.
Right?! I was there for irregular, heavy bleeding and severe pelvic pain. Don’t tease me about my fear of sudden ass probes and get mad when I don’t want you cranking open my bits.
Whether or not the birth mother buried the child, this reinforces the absolute need for comprehensive prenatal care for all pregnant women, regardless of income and social status. And increased availability of legitimate ‘baby boxes’, so desperate mothers of newborns have a legal, safe option for those children.
That’s awful! I’m so sorry that happened. My experience wasn’t nearly as bad, but enough to put me off male doctors forever. I had to go to a urologist. He laughed at me when mentioning a possible diagnostic anal scope (haha, you should have seen your face when I said that! Haha). Told me he could get a female nurse…
I am thoroughly grateful that I got an awesome female gyno with surgical privileges, who practices in an entirely female office, and understood my anxiety about the whole exam process.
Seriously! I pickle my own every summer- okra, garlic and hot peppers packed tightly to the shoulder of the jar, add brine to within 1/4" of the rim, tap a few times to release air pockets, and add more brine as needed. Process, cool, and try not to eat all 10 pints before September.
“You were wanted.”
Bless her heart- she homeschools all. of. them. My uterus just noped out my throat and landed on a different planet.
My cousin has six- the oldest is 16. When I told my great-aunt about the fourth, her elderly neck whipped around and asked, “Has she figured out where they come from?”
My older cousin (she’s 41), has 6 kids and is thinking about child the 7th. She went to a prestige school, got her MRS, and married a lawyer. She had to build a new wing, asked my widowed aunt to fund a Thanksgiving in ski country, and thinks that I’m a perpetual adolescent bc I don’t have kids.
Yeah, lots of us are. Odds are, one of the cops has been assaulted at some point. Has nothing to do with her dumb spoiled ass not keeping her hands to herself and getting called on it.
I got married at 23. It didn’t work out for me (thankfully), but it wasn’t outside the social norm for my area. It’s old enough to drink, and vote, and join the military. Hell, you can be charged as an adult at 14 years old.*
So it’s not Reek-ugh? ...I have been mislead.
The statement re: sexuality bothered me as well. I thought the historic categorization of POC as hypersexual was extremely problematic, as it’s been used as yet another way to degrade and dehumanize an entire race?
You are not alone. My mom’s a (barely) functional alcoholic, anorexic drunk. As the oldest of three, I spent childhood protecting the siblings from a bi-polar absent Dad, and a spaced-out drunk mom. While trying to placate/parent both parents.
I’m so, so sorry. I can’t really say anything that would help, but I’m lighting a candle for both of you tonight.
I miss Bobby.
My ex-husband told me that it comes every month- shouldn’t I be used to it by now and just get over it? I would love to get over it, but right now my best options are major surgery or an open script for opiates, which nobody wants.