
But if god is omniscient and omnipresent, wouldn’t god be there anyway and intervene on behalf of the innocent kids being gunned down? Is god like a vampire that has to be invited inside?

May I borrow this response?

A friend of a friend posted on FB that the solution is to bring back public prayer and spanking in schools. .....I couldn’t bring myself to engage.

Oh fuck, I just realized that I don’t even remember that one. Thanks for the link.

There are several different types of breast cancer, and can require different treatment paths. The stage at which the cancer is found can also determine treatment.

Misread that as -fight- right in. Still kinda works.

Ooh can you dish on the catalog? I do furniture marketing and there’s a lot of dressing up and hustling. On an angry knee.

Counterpoint- my jacked-up knee can’t do proper heels for long, and this gives me a non-flats option for work.

I think it’s awesome that this is your field, thank you for the additional information. I’m sorry to be so ‘splainey in my response.

I agree that it’s blindingly obvious and frustrating, but sometimes these studies are what finally hits the radar for politicians. I’m not naive and expect no great immediate change, but this study gives us something definitive to send to our reps.

A former coworker who claimed liberal couldn’t vote for Hills ‘because her emails’, so she wrote in for Jill Stein. That bish wore all black and moped around the day after elections.

But will The Help’s turd pie make a surprise cameo?

If you can swing East Coast, the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC is gorgeous.

That movie almost -almost- encouraged me to darken the door of my high school reunion.

Going by this blogger’s body of work, I’m not sure that she’s the one you really want handling a serious subject like that.

Yeah, that song you play when you’re drunk and tired and want everyone to just leave already.

Perhaps he was too busy not commenting on any posts related to problematic male allies.

I agree, 4 months and the ‘potential’ for life-long repercussions seems pretty fucking paltry compared to what she’s going through.

And patience for playing second fiddle to the need to claim ‘firsties’.