If you aren’t feeding your canine companion with fresh, raw, farm-to-food bowl nourishment while providing enrichment through kale body wraps and bone broth...
If you aren’t feeding your canine companion with fresh, raw, farm-to-food bowl nourishment while providing enrichment through kale body wraps and bone broth...
Kindly direct said dragon to the Dr who didn’t believe my sister when she said it didn’t feel like a cyst. Because she was 26 years old. And had a cyst before, and knew damn well when something wasn’t right.
A bargain at any price!
I know- in my previous job I was the trained safety officer. I spent a lot of time trying to convince people how absolutely nasty toluene is, and calibrating the fume hoods to meet OSHA standards. The joke was about how some people see *chemical* and freak out, like all chemicals are inherently evil.
My sister was diagnosed with 2-C breast cancer at age 26, and is still battling side effects and depression. Wishing you strength and light.
My surgical incisions make a triangle over my fertile valley.... It all makes sense now!
Ban it! It’s deadly!
Has anyone checked on Michael K?
I live 2 blocks away from NC A&T, and if it wasn’t for that, East Greensboro would have been completely abandoned by city council. We finally got a grocery store (and it’s a co-op, chains won’t bother) in what was one of the worst food deserts in NC. A&T’s partnered with other schools to build joint campuses downtown.
Scented stuff like that can be a problem. My ex mother-in-law got me a B&BW set every year, after repeatedly trying to explain that it gave me migraines and a rash.
Lena Dunham, who publicly projected her own sexual narrative onto Odell Beckham Jr, now supports her buddy over a WOC? This is Gadget’s lack of surprise.
Fellow Greensburger?!
IDK, a guest blogger with a medical background?
So can Jez get some LGBTQIA writers that aren’t white and male?
I am so sorry that happened to you, and that you were abandoned. I hope that you are now supported and safe.
Thanks! My sister’s margins are clear so far. I fully understand the fear of checking for lumps. Now I’m in a high-risk category, and I’m 35.
Thanks! I’ll post pics when it’s done next week.