Follow-up Weinstein thread-
Follow-up Weinstein thread-
That’s great! I got my first mammo last year at age 34. It was a super-squishy diagnostic + ultrasound, because I had an expanding, bumpy painful lump and my youngest sister had breast cancer at age 25. I was terrified when I found the lump, and didn’t tell anyone for months bc my sister was just out of treatment. I…
I read that as irradiated and still nodded yes.
Sorry for the late response. I needed to breathe.
I snapped at a man the other night in the grocery store, when he couldn’t wait for me to move over for his cart and said something about a ‘tight fit’ while bumping me with his cart.
I’m sorry to be so late in responding. Honestly, it became too much and I needed to step away.
Thank you for speaking out. I’m sorry that you’ve experienced this too. Kinda shitty that this is the thing random internet people can connect over.
Yeah. Which makes me feel so sad for those who may have submitted to the casting couch, through coercion or transaction or both or worse, who will never be able to speak out.
Thank you for sharing, and the same wishes to you 💛 I hope that you are in a safe, loving space.
For me, it’s been a rollercoaster between triggering and cathartic. It’s not just jobs. When Cara Delevigne spoke out about how she felt responsible for protecting his family from what he did, and putting that burden on herself, shook me to the core. That was me.
Sorry to be OT, but has anyone else just been completely fucking leveled by the past week? With everything that’s come out and with reading all these different women’s accounts, you feel like you’re being laid bare, because so much of it resonates? I read these and I’m angry, I shake, I cry, I feel that terror and…
And named said issue in honor of a Disney princess.
I think I understand what you’re getting at, but in the end it doesn’t matter what traumas people think Ms. Mol may or may not have suffered. She was under no obligation to say anything, and yet addressed the rumors that she herself said had damaged her career. I would prefer to accept her statement and leave her in…
I am in awe of her and all the other women who have spoken out. I feel for those who might have consented and stayed quiet- through coercion, career reasons, or both. The amount of slut-shaming has been horrifying.
He was a very good boy.
They’re together.