Caffeinated Snorlax

“found” - You’re the one making claims so you need to present the evidence if you want to be taken seriously. If it’s something simple you can google, that’s fine. But what you’re suggesting is we all begin digging through all of this just to find out if your claim is real or not.

What’s new about this? Isn’t this how you get to Guarma online?

“discovered in their contents older than she was an extremely toxic person during her live broadcasts” 

Is there evidence of this from her channel in videos? Trolls are known for making up stories so it’s better to have evidence to go along with your claims. A post on Reddit doesn’t count because it’s easy to organize a “raid”. 

I feel sorry for Twitch because this will inevitable lead to Trump doing the same and there’s already a large overlap of gamers and Trump supporters. How much you wanna bet the Bernie’s chat will be filled with said supporters? And if he does a live stream it’ll be worse because every troll (trump supporter or not)

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There’s also that time he went off about flies on his podcast that sounded like a promo.

Shopping malls normally have a no photograph policy that’s not always enforced but security can and will at times stop you. Especially if you’re taking pictures of store fronts. Or an employee of the mall complains. With schools the policy differs but normally required consent from administration. I’m not sure how

They aren’t actually. Some schools allow it and some don’t. Any facilities with fences and locked are not accessible to the public. Happens all the time when people want to use the local high school track and it’s under lock n key. 

With American if it’s in public it’s legal to film/take pictures here. Hell, you can take pictures of people in their yard or house if curtains are open as long as you are on public property. But unfortunately even here people don’t understand what constitutes public property (example a Public School is not Public

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Baskets is finally back on and I have been enjoying Louie Anderson’s comedic delivery. Helps fill the void since What We Do In The Shadows is over for the season. But I could honestly sit and listen to Louie read anything just injecting tidbits of his own here and there.

Bloody Roar - An updated remake would be nice nix all the flashy crap they added in the later series which also turned me off the new Soul Calibur. Keep it simple and retain the fighting style differences between human and beast mode.

overdone grilled cheese with the tomato soup made with water - always a classic disappointment ... But I just made this yesterday and he said he liked it ...

Yep, been there. That and crackers with hot sauce. Not sure why there’s always left over crackers and hot sauce. 

I was 9 or 10 and decided to make Mac n Cheese but neglected to drain the water after boiling the noodles. So after a bowl of mushy almost cheesy noodle soup I felt sick from how disgusting it tasted. To this day I can’t eat those single serving microwaved mac n cheese bowls because they give me flash backs. And they

I’ll agree. Menudo & Egg Rolls together are the best hang over foods. 

Different subject but what the hell is up with WWE calling the SuperShowdown an equivalent to Wrestlemania? 

It’d be fun if they used the 24/7 belt to bring NXT stars to WWE shows even if just for a match. R-Truth loses it to someone in NXT, only for the NXT star to appear next Raw/Smackdown for a 24/7 title match. Hell, let them win the match only to lose the belt backstage. It’d be a great way to expose more of the NXT

Of course, it wasn’t his fault either. He was just her boss and she fell for him and instigated it all. Can’t blame the guy. 

Yep, which was later ran by a man in his twenties who dated Kelly who was an underage teen.