Caffeinated Snorlax

Hey you leave the Easter Bunny out of this. 

In other words people who spend their lives sheltered are having trouble believing the stories of a person who actually left their house. And by the sounds of it from the experts, she’s legit, but she’s also playing it up like she admits. Also everyone exaggerates stories. So the problem is what? 99% Likilhood?

I downloaded a few free games from the PSN: APB, D&D Neverwinter, DCO, and Bulletstorm. I’ve played APB & DCO on the PC so curious what it will be like on the playstation. Bulletstorm & D&D have been a fun distraction since I got burnt out on Spiderman at 87%. In no hurry to finish it since RDR2 is in low availability

Then I boiled the pasta, drained it, dropped it into the fried garlic and bacon ... Wait, What? took it off the heat, and then lovingly folded in the eggs ... Do what? 

Who is this Silver Sandy Philippe? I need to know more! 

Didja forget your /s?

Didn’t Gal start out saying she was the first strong independent female action star and it ruffled feathers and they changed it to female-led comic movie (even tho that isn’t correct either)?

Hairspray ‘88 is billed as a comedy, Hairspray ‘07 (based on the musical that’s based on the original) is billed as a musical rom-com.

Welp, the comment section has confirmed I was already fucked up as a kid because I loved Watership Down. 

Has she not seen Hair Spray? 

I got yelled at often for muttering “Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!” while running from alien players on AvP2 & raptor players on Turok2. Ah, nostalgia. 

I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a Toys-R-Us....ah, shit. They’re out of business!

Oh, he commented on the impact of #MeToo. Smugly admitted that he and Spacey will have no trouble finding work in Hollywood. He knows he’s untouchable. 

Him and his friends are basically the new Jackass crew. Dumb asses doing dumb ass things for the lols.

Worse come to worse I can let someone else get the door. Or answer while still playing with the wireless controller. Last year we only had a few kids and a group of teenagers in 4 hours. Almost everyone takes their kids to the gated community. Plus tonight its cold and raining so may not see anyone.

Watching whatever horror movies are on while playing Friday the 13th. I’ll have the light on for Trick or Treaters knowing full well there will only be a few. But seeing that look of surprise and happiness on the last kids face when I dump the whole bowl into their bag is always worth it. Of course I guess that’s

If we are following that trend then no one should go as:

Or it’s Draco’s muggle loving sword wielding Uncle Malfoy!

What no Slenderman? That game was fun and I still have recordings somewhere of my friends and family playing it. 

Wait. What? I thought that statue was actually a cameo by Daniel Bryan!