Why isn’t Cthulhu scary? Because of Pop Culture. For many it was when Cartman rode on his shoulder. For me it was when I came across his sex avatar in a sim on Second Life. Which is one of the tamer things I have witnessed.
Why isn’t Cthulhu scary? Because of Pop Culture. For many it was when Cartman rode on his shoulder. For me it was when I came across his sex avatar in a sim on Second Life. Which is one of the tamer things I have witnessed.
Any word if they are going to eventually add “living” civilizations? It’d be fun to travel to a planet and run into alien versions of different time periods. Not just the primitive kind either because that’d get boring quick.
The only time you should be eating a burrito like this is if it’s a fried burrito that’s gone cold. The ends get so hard that it’s not worth the effort to eat them. Unless you have time to drench them in taco sauce and wait for them to soften.
c. is actually illegal in some states. It is considered animal cruelty.
I’d rather know why MEN have decided it’s illegal for us to wear masks and “costume” make-up in public. Fuck man, sometimes I just wanna wander the streets like Pennywise and other times I wanna be a damn Ninja Turtle. Fuck society.
I, personally, hope that this “you do you” generation makes changes to our society so that I can go to work at any job, in any position, wearing what ever I want without fear of repercussion. While I do understand if they have to let me go for the voices I use while wearing those costumes.
“The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing women that they looked better in their makeup” - Macklemore Thin Line
“When Claire and Mitch reconcile, they have to admit they have different relationships with their parents.”
Stupid story on how law enforcement sees this symbol on anyone but themselves. Last year when Robert Godwin was shot live over Facebook an independent news outlet had a few bloggers out looking for the killer’s vehicle to report to the Police. One of the guys was streaming while wearing a Punisher t-shirt. Someone…
I see what occurred. “DLC that costs have as much as the main game” Instead of seeing this as a typo of half, I thought it was incorrectly added and read it as “DLC that costs as much as the main game”. My mistake, sorry!
You got your prices mixed up. Each DLC is $10 each, $30, or $25 if you by the pass. The game is $60 new or $55 used. So all 3 DLCs are only half the price of the game.
You can never tell with Micheal.
Are you sure you played 15 minutes before your horse got stuck in a rock? The nearest horse is a ways away from the starting zone.
Well, that’s a let down. So they left a mission out of the completed game, called it a DLC, and slapped a price tag on it.
He’ll be Bane in name only while on some experimental early version of venom. Just like Gotham has had 2 Non-Jokers.
Good luck! Just be warned if you start reading about Clockwork Elves or Reptilians ... You’ve went too deep.
Why not make a decent Watchers? The book only got a direct to VHS series that never came close to the book. Hell, I think they even made the Outsider a green version of The Fly in one. Overlooking that from the book you get an Ex-Delta Force guy, an intelligence enhanced golden retriever who speaks through using flash…